Guppys and Zebra Danios


z is z
May 17, 2005
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Bit of a beginner question, but ive never done it before so its new on me.

Im doing a bit of tank re arrangeing and wanted to move 4 male guppies into another tank that contains 6 zebra danios, the tank is quite large so lots of room for everybody, does anybody think this would be a problem, would the danios harass the guppies or start nipping at their fins.

The only fish in this tank would be the danios and the guppies.

Bad idea. Sorry.

Zebra Danios are very nippy. They will nip nip nip on the Guppies, and stress them out. Since Guppies are weak already, this picking could be very hard for them. You might be able to get around this if the tank is heavily planted, with lots of hiding places, though. If you put them together, just watch them. :)

Edit: Also, it may be a better idea if there were a few other fish in there, so the Danios wouldn't always be drawn to pick on the Guppies. Maybe some fast moving Tetras, or something. A fish that a Zebra Danio can't harm.
Yeah, Neons are good. They need a mature tank though, because they can be sensitive. Just something to think about. Actually, Basically any Tetra is good, that's non-nippy. :)
yes. do not get serpae tetras. all though they r tetras, and look cool, they r pretty nippy.
Ok thanks guys

Yeah i thought it might be a bit of a problem, so i decided to check here first, the tank is heavily planted but i could still see problems, ill do a rethink and leave the guppies where they are, i dont want to stress them out.

Thanks again, appreciate it........... :)
As long as you get 5 or 6 zerbra danios everything should be ok. My danios are peaceful but they are a little to hyper and might freak out their tankmates.... a larger tank is best.
Alot depends on the type of guppy too, delta tailed or long fancy tailed guppys wouldn't stand a chance against danios as their long flowing fisn prevents them from being fast enough to swim away from the danios if harrassed...A standard fancy guppy with very short fins will be able to cope better though and they are hardier in general- either way though guppys won't appreiciate the active behavior of the danios and will always be quite stressed, they prefer much slower and less active tank mates like other livebearers or various catfish.
If you realy want some colorful livebearers to go with danios, standard swordtails and/or mollys would do much better than little guppys :thumbs:
Tokis-Phoenix said:
Alot depends on the type of guppy too, delta tailed or long fancy tailed guppys wouldn't stand a chance against danios as their long flowing fisn prevents them from being fast enough to swim away from the danios if harrassed...A standard fancy guppy with very short fins will be able to cope better though and they are hardier in general- either way though guppys won't appreiciate the active behavior of the danios and will always be quite stressed, they prefer much slower and less active tank mates like other livebearers or various catfish.
If you realy want some colorful livebearers to go with danios, standard swordtails and/or mollys would do much better than little guppys :thumbs:
Totally agree. Though any fast moving fish will really stress out a slower moving Guppy. Also, the more finnage they have, the slower they will be able to get away. Also, no Guppy you really can find today has very short fins..most have at least SOME target for the Danios.

Platies also go well with Danios, and they tend to be a little smaller then Swordies and Mollies, if space is an issue. :) A group of Cories would be nice with these fish too.
Ok problem sorted........ :)

Ive moved 4 platys in with the 6 danios (the tank is 35 UK gal or 42 US gal so plenty of room) thats all thats in that tank for now, ive moved the guppies in with the remaining 4 platys, that tank is a 12 UK gal so that should be ok, the guppies are only about 1 inch so still quite young.

But they all seem quite happy, i moved them a while ago and will just keep an eye on them.

Thanks again

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