

Jun 17, 2004
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West Country - England
I have one lonely guppy who seems to be very shy. When you approach the tank he will often shoot off and hide.

I am getting 5 more guppies tomorrow as my tank has been stable for a week.

What can I expect, will Flickers behaviour change with tank mates to play with, how do the guppies interact with each other, is there any behaviour that i should watch out for. Is it a problem that they will all be males?

Any advice most welcome. Thanks
you probably will have some fights because the are all males, i suggest you get one more male and 6 females to split between them, but if that is to much for your tank, you can get three females for your current male :thumbs:
I'd suggest getting some females. You'll really see him come out and be less shy then. ;)
I wanted to get all male because i am so new that breeding scares me a little. However I do not want to have fish that do not work out if I can help it.

What do you guys think of the ratio of 3 male guppies and 3 female, would this work out allright or do you always need 2 females to 1 male.

I really want to do the right thing. I am so excited knowing I can have some more fish tomorrow, but I am also confused! :/ :S
Hi .. I went for 2 males and four females .. thay have also been very active .. this evening I've just found out what they have been upto !!!

I think about a ratio of 2 or 3 females to one male should do well. I'm with you, I'm actually getting some guppies tomorrow too. :D :thumbs:

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