Guppy With Broken/damaged Fin ...will He Be Ok? (with Pics)


New Member
Jul 20, 2009
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East Yorkshire, UK
Hi, I'm a bit of a newbie, this is my first tropical tank and I've only had my Guppies (x2) for a week.

I returned home from work and noticed to my horror that one of my fish appeared to be missing! :(
I eventually found him wedged between the tank and an air-stone, naturally I freed him immediately but I don't know how long he had been trapped there. I can't even understand how he got there against the force of the air bubbles and all!

Anyway, as a result of his ordeal he has suffered damage to his right Pectoral Fin. He was obviously shocked and seemed to be panting for breath at first but seemed to calm down after a while.
I've tried to take some pictures but it's hard to see in the pics. However, his right fin is now a lot smaller, some of it has actually broken off and he can no longer move it. It doesn't seem to effect his movement around the tank though. Do you guys think he will be OK? Is there anything I can do?

Click on the pics to enlarge...

Thanks in advance :)
With having the airstone on is the current to strong.
Is the fish struggling to swim.
The pictures are to small to make anything out.

Size of tank in gallons or litres.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.
The pics are big if you click on the pics to enlarge. :)
The force of the airstone is turned right down and the fish doesn't seem to be struggling at all.

Tank = 65 Litres only had it 1 month
Fish = only 2 Guppies at the moment only had them for 1 week
Water stats = unknown at the moment!

UPDATE the guppy has got some sort of white fur looking thing growing on his side just under the fin now ...I'm getting really worried about him! :(
I've now administered 2 doses of Pimafix for the fungal infection which has cleared up the white fur, and he seems to be using his fin a lot more now.

Tanks everyone for your advise - NOT!
:rolleyes: :sly: :sad:
I had a fish get its head stuck in a hole in a log and it bent his mouth out of shape but he is just fine. Keep an eye out for bacterial infection such as if it stops eating, becomes listless or trouble swimming. Complete the fungus treatment. Pimafix has never worked well for me, so I use Maroxy. Pimafix takes some oxygen out of the water, so keep the airstone going. Just move it into a place where they can't get stuck. It is possible the white stuff could be Columnaris which is a bacterial disease, not fungus. Just keep an close eye on him to be sure it doesn't return.
... Keep an eye out for bacterial infection such as if it stops eating, becomes listless or trouble swimming. ... Pimafix takes some oxygen out of the water, so keep the airstone going. ... It is possible the white stuff could be Columnaris which is a bacterial disease, not fungus. Just keep an close eye on him to be sure it doesn't return.
Thanks for the tips Faythee, That's exactly the information I wanted to hear :good:

The white fur started to disappear within a few hours of putting the Pimafix in so could this be coincidence? or is it a sign that it was a fungal infection?
I will still be keeping a close eye on any symptoms of Columnaris too! thanks again
... Keep an eye out for bacterial infection such as if it stops eating, becomes listless or trouble swimming. ... Pimafix takes some oxygen out of the water, so keep the airstone going. ... It is possible the white stuff could be Columnaris which is a bacterial disease, not fungus. Just keep an close eye on him to be sure it doesn't return.
Thanks for the tips Faythee, That's exactly the information I wanted to hear :good:

The white fur started to disappear within a few hours of putting the Pimafix in so could this be coincidence? or is it a sign that it was a fungal infection?
I will still be keeping a close eye on any symptoms of Columnaris too! thanks again

It is likely fungus then. If he has any abrasions, I recommend using Melafix.

You do need a water testing kit. It is very important while keeping fish. If you don't want to spend on a whole kit at the moment, at least get one for ammonia, nitrite and ph or you can take a sample water to the store and they should test it for free. What type filter do you have ? I do not have experience with Guppies, but can help you with other things. I'm only on here every so often but you can send me a PM and I will get back to you sooner.

You do need a water testing kit. It is very important while keeping fish. If you don't want to spend on a whole kit at the moment, at least get one for ammonia, nitrite and ph or you can take a sample water to the store and they should test it for free.

I got one of these the other day...

and the water tests ok with the exception of the Nitrate which somewhere between 25-50.
However, this kit doesn't test the ammonia levels!? so I'm going to get a separate test kit for the ammonia ASAP.

What type filter do you have ?
The filter is the Elite Stingray 15 Underwater Filter.

Thanks again for your help :)

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