Guppy trouble!

Aqua Vitae

New Member
Jan 12, 2003
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For the last two days one of my guppies has been anchored to the gravel and today has a bloated tummy. I've no idea what this could be, all the other fish
3 guppies
2 platies
2 mollies
2 black phatoms tetras are fine the ph is 7.3, and it's a 20g tank.

Please help!
Does the stomach looks slightly black like:

How long has your tank been set up? Do you have tests for ammonia and nitrItes?
No, he's stomach is still white although he has lost some colour and is alot bigger than the photo.

The tanks being running for 6 weeks, the guppy's been in for 2 and I haven't tested other levels.

Any Ideas?
Ah its a he that is ill. Can I ask what are the sex of your other two guppies, could he be suffering from bullying (guppies should be kept in a ratio of 1 male to 2 females). Have you seen any of the other fish attacking him are his fins ok?

Lastly... guppies these days are very weak because of all the constant inbreeding in order to achieve the vast array of colours available today. They are susceptible to disease and suffer in water which is anything less than perfect. I hope your guppy pulls through but what i have experienced is that when guppies look sick they don't make it through. Is the back of this guppy arched? and is it swimming ok?
I think I've got 1 of each. I didn't notice any bully at first but since he's not been well the guppies and the mollies have been having a go!!!

I have two fantails both are slightly arched...

So thanks for the advise!

ps Would barbs be OK with my mollies and platies as I have heard they can be aggresive?

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