Guppy Trouble!


Fish Gatherer
Dec 11, 2003
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New Hampshire, USA
:crazy: What's going on with my tank! I have two female guppies in the hospital tank for a treatment for some fin rot. I had another female guppy in my 29 gallon tank and was doing fine. She didn't eat last night, maybe due to her pregnancy. When I looked on her today, she was dead! She was laying on the bottom of the tank without any babies inside her. I assumed she delivered the babies, but why is she dead? Could it be the stress caused from the fry being born that could have killed her? Please help me answer this puzzling mystery.

Ammonia - 0.25 mg/l
Nitite - <0.3 mg/l
pH - 7.0

Another question. One of the guppies in the hospital tank just lost her tail. Poor girl! I assume she has fin rot and I'm treating her with Maracyn-Two. Would her tail ever grown back? -_-

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