Guppy Tails


Fish Fanatic
Mar 19, 2003
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I was just wondering whether guppies tails (males) split over time? or is this always a sign of fin rot? I have 3 males in my tank one has a short tail which is fine but the other has quite a long/large flowing tail (really hard to describe). When ever I get guppies with the ling/large flowing tails they always seem to get slight rips/tears in them.

thanks :)
It may just be down to water quality. Ive tested my water and it's near perfect and I just bought 2 males the other day. They were fine when I chose them and when I got them home and released them I noticed they had tears in their tales. Which makes me think it's the change of water or damaged during the move.

It should heal in a good tank environment. The first day mine were very motionless and now they are at every female in the tank. So fingers crossed I should start to see an improvement in their tales soon.

I'm not sure I've answered ure question lol :hyper:
Poor water, stress or nippy fish are the main causes o split fins
it could be stress and poor quality water but i hae also read that some bigger fish tend to bite the tail of guppy because they are fluffy and attractive
Hi there, several reasons for this happening

youve heard some of them already but watch out if you have any nocturnal (have i spelt that right) fish as when your gups are resting in the darker side of the night then these will be hunting for food and your gups might get in the way without realizing the danger.

it happens

another reason could be that if you have mixed sexes in your tank and they are breeding this will drive your existing males to become a little aggressive towards your newcomers, if this is the case then dont worry they always settle down

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