Guppy Tail Problems


New Member
Jan 10, 2007
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Bishop Auckland, UK
Hello to one and all.

I am new to the hobby, but I have an established tank of approx 10weeks with some experience of Tetra and Pentazona's. I have posted this query on another site and I was seeing what other advice may roll in.

We bought 2 Guppy's and a Siamese to brighten up the tank a little, however after the first day one of them had died. He had a bent spine and was definitely stressed out always hovering near the top of the tank, and his tail fin was slightly damaged..

The second one has lasted over a week, so we introduced 2 more Guppies. The original Guppy who has been in the tank approx 8days started to show signs of tail fin damage. Then over the past couple of days I noticed he had holes in his Tail fin, and obviously this morning his Tail fin is looking very bad.

I have monitored the water conditions and the Ammonia and Nitrites where o.k up to a couple of days ago (just after the 2 new guppy introduction). I have carried out 2-20% water changes in the past 9days (one last night with filter clean also - Used the aquarium water) I have treated the tank with ESha tail and fin rot medicine, but this has not worked (obviously).

Can anyone help with what the problem may be, and should we Euthanase the fish to prevent further contamination to the other two Guppy's.

Many Thanks

I wouldn't advise keeping betta with guppys, as betta will nip there fins and even eat them.
Guppys are very prone to bacterial finrot.
More worried about the fish that died with a bent spine, did you buy him this way.
Hi Wilder.

Thanks for the reply to my question.

The one with a bent spine (curved) was we think already like that, however we can not be too sure. Is this a major issue?

My wife noticed the curvature of the spine after the first night in the tank, and then it died the next night. I did notice that at 01:00 when I wen to bed that night it was still swimming at the top of the tank.

I do not know what to do with the Guppy that is damaged, what do you think I should do?

What do you think I should do with the rest of the guppies (2) that are o.k?

Many Thanks for your help, it is much appreciated.



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Need to get going on the myxazin by waterlife them fins are bad.
Not going to be easy if you bought the fish with the bent spine like that, as he could of been born with it.
As bent spines point to fish tb to internal parasites.
Going to get some info for you on tb so you can watch the fish for symtoms,
Internal parasites enlarged or red and inflamed anus.
Hi Wilder.

Thanks for the web site. You have me a little worried now.

The first Guppy that died did have a bent spine, and I know they Poo red, but he had a very long and thick red poo coming out of him.

It did not look like a worm as it was not moving. Maybe I was looking in to it too much.

I will keep you posted.


Do you feed bloodworms.
Hi Wilder.

The 2 guppies I bought first (as mentioned 1 died after 24hrs) and this one with bad fins did have bloodworms given to them in their first day.

I always treat all of the fish every Saturday with some FROZEN and IRRADIATED (you probably know this - the four by four rows of cubes) Daphnia or Bloodworms or Mosquito Larvae or Brine Shrimp.

I was told by LFS not to use live meaty food for the fish due to the bacteria they carry.

I am wondering if they have picked up the infection from the tank at the LFS.

I have checked the web site (many thanks for that).

Out of the 13 symptoms I can only recognise 3 which are:
Skeletal deformity
Hanging at the surface
Fin Rot

I will just keep an eye on them all as Neons are also susceptible if it is TB.

To avoid the Fighter attacking them my wife went to new LFS today and they recommeded buying a Cube to keep the fighter in, so he now resides in that until we can decide what to do with him or the guppies. I prefer the guppies.

Thanks for the info.

If you been feeding bloodworms that would account for the red poo.
Could always buy the betta a 5gal tank not expensive the small tanks.
Good luck.
Hi Wilder.

Thanks for your input. DOH !!! - Bloodworms and Red Poo - I should have put two and two together.

We may buy a smaller tank as every place you look always recommends to have a quarantine tank before inroducing new fish to yours, and I do not think the Cube is ideal for the Fighter permanently.

I will keep informed.


the reaosn it's not working is because it's not fin rot. it's called a siamese FIGHTER fish. it's name does not lie. they are not very social with small fish, or even big ones. get the betta out as soon as you can. also, add some aquarium salt. this may help the fin grow back a bit. and what food are you using? good food with good nutrients and calcium also helps it growback.

i breed guppies, and i have had this experience with just a small rosie goldfish. it tore up the guppies fins.
Hello Everyone.

We took our Siamese fighter back to the LFS as he was the cause of the problems to the Guppy tails and Neon strange beghaviour (We lost 4 Neons in a week due to fighter). The Neons must have been rerally scared and stressed out. We think it was the territorial thing as the Betta went in the same areas as the Neons at night.

Beautiful fish the Betta, but not a good mixer with other fancy finned fish, or Neons as we found out.

Many Thanks for your help.

Could of kept the betta in a tank of his own.
I must add that I successfully kept at least one betta in with neons, guppies, other tetras and they were fine.

We also found that the guppies had a habit of catching their tails and sometimes fighting with each other causing problems rather than the figther causing any probs. However, bear in mind we might have just had nice fighter fish.

The ripped the tails just grew back and within a couple of weeks you would not have even known that they had any problems.

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