Guppy Question


Fish Crazy
Aug 7, 2004
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Hello all, first off before I ask this question I am not new to the hobby. Have had many fish in my time including guppies. Old lady here.....LOL

What I would like to know is, when you buy store bought female guppies and let them have their young without any males around, I know they can store eggs for quite sometime but how many times would it take for them to clean completely out before you can breed them with one specific male in hopes to get that color of the male you want?

I also know with genetics you always have the chance of some other colors popping up too.

Just would like to know this if anyone has the answer.
Id wait about a month, make sure shes clear, then id get the male you want to breed with her.
I would wait a lot longer than a month. It is possible she could have fry once a month for anything up to six months.

To be honest, it would be quicker to separate the males and females from her first batch of fry as soon as the males start to show signs of being male. Then use one of the female fry for your breeding project. The female fry will be ready to breed before you can be sure the mother had 'used up' all her stored sperm.
I too would breed offspring rather than the ones you bought from the store. My store bought ones just had batch 4 each from their unknown store pairings... though in those from batch 2 I can see some suspects for being offspring of my male.
Thanks all, that is what I was thinking of doing. Going to get one female and see how things go, I don't want a whole bunch of different females so will pick out the one I like best. The stores always seem to mix them although lately they have been keeping them seperated but I know the females still come in pregnant. So will see what the outcome is from the fry and then keep my ones I like from there.

One last question, is there any one color that is dominant in the gene pool of breeding guppies?

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