Guppy & Platy?


Fish Aficionado
Jan 23, 2007
Reaction score
South Carolina
I've read the same thing over and over again with conflicting info.

Can Guppies and Platy cross breed? Is it possible for fry to be produced from it?

That's all I want to know! :p
Don't care about any other livebearer cross breeds that can, just want to know if these 2 will produce fry. Don't care if the fry are weak and don't live long.
I'm just curious, and would like a definite answer :D

Heh I sound so hostile! :crazy: :blush: :lol:
Alrighty! Thank ya much!

I was only curious b/c I have female platy and male guppies in the same tank. Would've been interesting if they could, but meh, better if they can't b/c I don't have the tank space for a ton of fry! :D
No, they won't cross, simply for the same reason you can't cross breed guppies and swordtails: they are in different groups. Guppies and mollies cross, as do platies and swords, but it won't go otherwise.

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