Guppy Missing Its Dorsal Fin


Fish Fanatic
Nov 21, 2006
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Recently added 2 male 4 female guppies to my 15g tank it has been running for a couple of weeks cycled from my other tanks.

I have just noticed one of the females fin is missing I don't have a powerful filter for it to get trapped I have some bogwood, plants and some slate. They are the only fish in the tank So I'm a bit bemused as how this could happen.

This is the first time i have kept guppies and was wondering if they can get aggressive to each other ? and if so enough that it could take a fin off?
The only thing I can think of is finrot. Keep and eye o the end of their tails if you see even the smallest bit of erosion treat it. I think :p

But males can get aggresive
Not sure about fin rot as it was okay 24hrs ago or can the fin disappear in such a short time with this disease?
the guppie should be fine. but if you see any missing fins or bit fins you should remove it from the tank. and also it might of been born without one it happens sometimes.

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