Guppy Is About To Die...can I Do Anything?


New Member
Mar 25, 2013
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I have one guppy that seems to have major swelling just behind her head and down through her belly. The swelling is white. She is floating sideways but will periodically swim around a little. She has just recovered from having had ich. Could this be related? Is there anything that I can do to save her? 
photo 1.JPG
It is hard to tell with the picture... is that a patch on her back? Collumnaris is often characterized by a white patch (not treated or seen it in my own fish though)... far as I know there is no swelling that accompanies it.

I have no ever had any luck treating a fish that looks as ill as yours. Hopefully someone else might come along with some insight.
Difficult to tell from the photo, but swelling that large could well be dropsy. The bit immediately behind the white patch looks like raised scales.
Thanks for replying. I'm considering euthanizing her. I'm almost certain that it's dropsy and she's really not doing well now. Any advice on how to euthanize without clove oil? 
Take the fish out and smack its head very hard on a hard surface.
I agree with lock_man. Just net the fish, take it to the sink and smack the net against the side, really hard. It's immediate and painless.
Double bag it in a sandwich and bash it against the wall, I once made the mistake of only using 1 bag and made a big mess on my wall.
I froze my fish.  From what I've read, it gives a quick hypothermia and is painless.  But I may be wrong...the majority of people seem to be in favor of the smacking technique.  So it's up to you.  I'm so sorry about your fish :(

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