Guppy in slight trouble...

Jimmy Twotimes

Fish Fanatic
Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
Herts, UK

One of my guppies has started to slow down and on closer inspection has something hanging out of its back side. It looks like an almost invisible filament but with a tiny white bauble attached. Its been there for a few days so its not poo.

I'm thinking maybe a parasite :-( has got inside him but not sure. He has certainly stopped swimming like the rest but he is eating.

I'm gutted cos a week ago I bought a bag of live brineshrimp from LFS for the first time ever as a treat. Could this be related....? Will be so cross if it is :angry: cos I've been diease free in my tank for so long now doing, all the usual maintenance and just generally taking care of my pets...

Any ideas appreciated and any fixes also greatly accepted. I dont have a quarantine tank unfortunately so I'd need to fix things with its tank mates.

Will euthanise if it would save the rest. Harsh I know..... :sad:

Anchor Worm Elongated, twig-like parasites, deeply embedded in body wall. Distinctive egg sac at free end. CAUSED BY: A crustacean parasite. TREATMENT: Treat whole tank with metriphonate this kills the baby parasites that you can not see. Manually remove the adult parasites. Carefully and quickly remove each adult parasite with a pair of fine forseps. grip the parasite near to its point of attachment to the fish's body and pull it away. Dab the area with a topical antiseptic ( mercurochrome ). This will have to be repeatedafter a week or two. Keep the fish carefully but firmly restrained with a soft damp cloth and only keep out of the water for a few minutes at a time. Next time buy frozen shrimp brine.
Guppies do get intestinal worms and this may be what it has but usualy they are a red colour. You can get meds to treat internal parasites.
I thought I just saw the same thing as Jimmy did on a guppy. So i caught her in a net and it turned out to be a fry that got stuck on its way out :( Im obviously sad that the fry died and got stuck although Im also relieved that it wasn't a parasite.

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