guppy in labour


New Member
May 10, 2003
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How long is a guppy in labour for?

How do you know when she has finished giving birth?

This is my second guppy having her babies today. She has about 13 so far and the other one has more but I only saved 9 as there were 2 females in the one breeding tank and I think that the other one ate some of the babies. This one has been in the breeding tank on her own but I don't know when she will be finished.

I am going to get another breeding tank today to keep any other females seperate. :/
Congradulations on the babies, i am not sure how long it takes for them to be completely done, but as far as i have seen it is usually done in a few hours, although i keep mine seperate for adleast 24 hours so that she can recouperate from it all. I usually put her in a breeding net in the tank by herself when i think she is done. The nets come with little plastic plants that attach to the sides of the net form. I just keep an eye on the net and if anymore happen to come out, i get my trusty turkey baster and suck them up and put them in the fry tank that i took her out of. I do it all in the same tank until i am sure she is done so that i dont have to worry about shocking the babies. When i am sure she is done i put all of the babies at once into the fry tank, being sure to let them get used to the tank water and such. Hope this helps.. Sandy
How are the babies? Everything going well? :) Did she finish giving birth?
Yes she did. I managed to get about 15. Trying with a swordtail now hope she is as good as the guppy.

Thanks for your help

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