Guppy Help


New Member
Sep 26, 2007
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West Sussex
I need help with my pregnant female guppy I noticed this morning her tail was missing she isn't eating and just staying at the top of the tank, I'veput her in a breeding trap, Is there anything else I can do for her? I don't know how this has happened I cleaned the tank yesterday, We have altogether 6 females and 2 males and 9 fry in there and also 6 scissortails, At first I thought maybe the scissortails might have bit it off but they have always been fine with them before and arn't chasing any other fish around the tank etc. Please reply asap.
If all her tail gone sadly she not going to make it they never do, sorry.
Need more info.
Water sats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate, and ph.
How many gallons or litres is the tank.
How many fish and which type.
Oh OK :sad: Theres 6 Female 2 Male 6 Fry Guppies, 2 fair size plecks And 6 Scissortails, It's a 5 foot tank not sure on gallons etc.
Thats fine so far.
How long has the tank been set up, do you known your water stats as finrot is mainly due to poor water quality.
Keep her in the breeding trap to be honest she dosn't sound like she going to make it.
Is she struggling to swim and getting exhausted.
It's been set up for over 2 years now But we have just started again because we had alot of big goriurmis in there and angels butwanted to start guppy breeding again so sold them, No I don't know my water stats, The water is fine its very clear, She doesn't look like she's going to make it she is struggling to swim and getting exhaused yes, She stays at the top of the breeding trap getting air.
Invest in a liquid test kit.Take a sample of your water to the lfs and tell them to write the readings down for you.Sadly there nothing to be done she to far gone, even when half the tail gone guppys rarely make it.Need water stats to see if that caused it through bad water quality, if not it can mean a number of things.How old is she?Youo might need to look here.
Invest in a liquid test kit.
Take a sample of your water to the lfs and tell them to write the readings down for you.
Sadly there nothing to be done she to far gone, even when half the tail gone guppys rarely make it.
Need water stats to see if that caused it through bad water quality, if not it can mean a number of things.
How old is she?

Oh right ok then I'll get one of them then how much are they? It's dissapointing because she's pregnant too, She's about 5 Months old. I'll show you pic let me upload.
Not old then bless her still a baby herself.
This test kit is the cheapest, but the nitrate test kit is a bit dodgy, I use tetra brand in nitrate.
API Freshwater Master Liquid Test Kit
A Complete Kit for Testing Tap Water & Aquarium Water

Fast : Easy : Accurate : Over 700 Tests

The latest Kit now contains the following tests:

• : pH (6.0 to 7.6)
• : High Range pH (7.4 to 8.8)
• : Ammonia
• : Nitrite
• : Nitrate

(The hardness tests are no longer included : Nitrate having been added instead)

The Kit Contains :

Step by Step instruction booklet
Water resistant computer-calibrated colour charts
Four glass Test Tubes with snap-tight caps in holders
Test solution bottles for five different tests
The Test Bottles included in this kit are the same size bottles as are in the individual test kits
here is a picture of her


  • DSC00086.JPG
    27.5 KB · Views: 48
Bless her yes she in a bad way.
She struggling to swim and at the top for air not good, she to weak to even try and save her, so sorry.
OK I'll go down my local fish shop they are very helpful down there and will point me in the right directionThat's OK Thank you very much for your help.
So sorry wish we could help her but she to far gone.
Get your water tested to see whats going off.
Good luck.
Sorry to hear about your guppy.
I have a male being treated for nipped fins at the mo -- he only lost a tiny bit but his recovery has still been very slow. If she has lost her tail down to the body then maybe it would be kinder to euthanaze her :sad:

I can also recommend the API kit Wilder told you about -- it works out pretty cheap when you consider how long it's going to last you and it makes it much easier to work out what's going wrong if you can test your water straight away at home rather than relying on a fish shop.

Good luck with the rest of them.
Thank you, I'm still waiting for my boyfriend to agree to put her out of her misary but he won't I can't do it.
my friend had a bettas that was dying and she phoned the lfs where she got him from and they told her to bring him down and they would do it for her, its not very nice but she couldn't sit and watch him die.
i know some people use oil of clover but i dont know where you would get it from.
good luck with the rest of your guppies

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