Guppy Fry.


Fish Fanatic
Sep 2, 2009
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i have about 15 guppy fry in my community tank,what i was wondering is do the colours get weaker as they get mixed parentage?
I have no idea who the fathers are and it seems that a lot of them have half black coloring, all are thriving and growing well,
they are just over three weeks old
Forgot to mention that the females were already preggers when i bought them.
were they in a mixed tank when you bought them (mixed colours)? because with female gups they can store the sperm and continue to use it for the rest of there life, so the first male can father all the rest of her fry :crazy: . dont know much about gup colour mixes
Yes they were in a mixed colour female only tank though they were obviously preggers when i bought them as they were getting quite large then.
So they must have been with males before they were put into the sales tank.
So i presume they will have a pretty mixed bunch of ofspring colour wise, well it will be interesting to see how they turn out anyway. very lively and healthy which is the main thing.
It can be a real adventure bringing home a female guppy with an unknown past. Sometimes you can get some very nice surprises that way.
were they in a mixed tank when you bought them (mixed colours)? because with female gups they can store the sperm and continue to use it for the rest of there life, so the first male can father all the rest of her fry :crazy: . dont know much about gup colour mixes

The jist of this is correct, but that may be a slight over statement, the guppy female did not take several buckets into the male tank to fill up with her! They can store sperm for a long time, but not quite as long as life, (although I guess that depends how long they live for!)

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