Guppy Fry Week 7


Fish Fanatic
Feb 16, 2009
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here are some poorly taken pictures of my male babies SANY1621.JPG

How long before they are full grown? anyone have some advice on feeding? i feed flakes, baby shrimp and bloodworms
If you have raised it to 7 weeks why do you need advice on feeding?

Also you said "pictures" but there was 1 picture.
At 7 weeks, it is almost full size but not yet well developed. By about 3 months it should have many of its adult colors but may still need another month or two to fill in the mature coloring. The only advice I would give on feeding is to back off the live foods and emphasize more vegetable matter such as spirulina or algae wafers.
Algae wafers are great because they have a high amount of veggies for the babies. But, yeah it does seem strange that you are asking about food after having babies for 7 weeks.
some nice colours there...

I need to take a couple of my babies as they are about 7-9 weeks old, i have 2 males and 2 females, the males are showing loads of red in their tails and the females are completely clear...but the mum was so probs got it from her..
sorry here is the other picture...the website said it was too big so i just left it off. I was asking about feeding cause i wwasnt sure if they were as large as they should be for their age. None of the food is live..but i do have algae pellets for my pleco that they might eat.SANY1625.JPG
i crush up algea wafers for them every now and then. if the food is too big it gets left and needs taking out :(
Ok then try giving them an algae pellet and the fry are looking good.

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