Guppy Fry Stuck In Birth Canal For Nearly An Hour!


New Member
Jan 3, 2009
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My female guppy was dropping fry and I didnt notice it til I saw a fry tail hanging from her. I watched for nearly a hour as the little fry hung tail first. Is this normal??? When the fry finally popped out the female seemed to be relieved. I have attached a video link so you guys could see this. All moderators/administrators...please feel free to use this video link if you would like to show how fry are dropped.
hi mine sometimes have this problem but its normaly thats shes tired they have abit of a rest before they start again hope this helps
I had a Xenotoca eiseni give birth and have one carried like that for about a day. Her fry are a lot bigger than a simple guppy or platy fry at about 1.5 cm but it still tempted me to try to interfere. In the end everything worked out and both mother and baby have done well.

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