Guppy Fry Questions,


Fish Addict
Feb 23, 2009
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Hey, I have almost 2 week old guppy fry (on Tuesday) that appear to have a gravid spot,
everyone always says that indicates a pregnant fish, but I obviously don't beleive that in 2 week old fry, lol
I know some fish just have them anyways, even if their not pregnant, but why do my fry have them already? Is it just skin pigment/coloration? (is that the same thing,? lol)
oh and also, my guppy fry seem to be getting their coloring already on their tails and such, is that normal for only being 2 weeks old?

I know their only 2 weeks old cuz I had the mom in the fry tank, and then there were fry and she was skinnier again,
anyways, I really need to stay on topic,.....
Is that normal for a 2 week old fry to develop color at such an early age? Just curious mind you, I do feed them 4-6 times a day and clean the tank 50% at least 3-4 times a week
so they do grow at a fast rate, but still. I'm just a bit confused,. lol
crikey :blink:

mine arent even that big and theyre alot older, not that i know exact age
I don't know the age of my single little fry either, but it's smaller than that.

I do have to say from certain angles it appears to have a black spot. If it is a gravid spot, it's in major trouble because it's in a tank w/two males.
Lol Haych,
I dunno, :| I just feed them 4-6 times a day (I fed the females very well too during their pregnancy,)
and my guppies are almost half the size of my 1 1/2 month old mollies, (I didn't feed the mama all the time like I did with the guppy)
but now that I'm doing regular water changes (50%) they seem to be growing like crazy! :good:
Look at your food and see if it has any color enhancers. I start feeding my fry super crushed flakes that are high in nutrients/vitamins/omega fatty acids with natural color enhancers and they start showing color in their tails after the first week of birth. In my experience, my fry grow according to how much I feed them, just make sure-if you feed them multiple times a day-that you keep on top of the water quality as a lot of it goes straight to rot.
Glad your fry are doing well,my first 2 guppy fry are growing very fast too,they're around 2 weeks old and appear to have a yellowish colour to them already,so i know what you mean, :)

I do daily water changes on both my fry tanks,and its amazing how much all the fry are growing :good:
Yes Aequora, I clean my fry tank everyday,
I checked the food and you were right, it has color enhancers and vitamins and stuff in it, so that's probably helping :nod:
Yes Aequora, I clean my fry tank everyday,
I checked the food and you were right, it has color enhancers and vitamins and stuff in it, so that's probably helping :nod:

I think you are breeding super guppy's the oldest of my guppies is around 3.5 weeks old and is about ______ at the very most. It is colouring up though and appears to be a female i ahve a couple who are nearly the same size and then another bunch who are only around 2 weeks old
Lol striker,
I dunno what I'm doing but they seem fine so I guess it's all good,. :) lol
It could also depend on the breeding of your fish. Example, mine are mixed and grow at a slow rate, but develop colors within the end of the first week while a friend of mine has guppies that double in size biweekly and at three months they're JUST start to show color. Sometimes you just need to know the characteristics bred into your fish.
Ya true, the thing is I bought her at the pet store when she was pregnant, then she had her babies 2 days later,
like I said, I did feed the mom quite well though whilst the fry were still inside her,..
I just checked on my 4 guppies, their 2 weeks and 1 day old now, they seem to have black coloring on them, and a hint of yellow too! (both near/on their tails)
So neat! :)
I love watching fry grow! heh

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