Guppy Fry - Free


Fish Fanatic
Feb 18, 2009
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Livestock:Guppy Fry

Quantity for sale:15ish, they don't stay still long enough to be counted

Reason for Sale:Too many in my tank

Delivery or Collection:Collection from Nottingham-city centre

Sales price: Free

Postage & Packaging: n/a

Location: Nottingham

Photograph: Too difficult to get a good pic

The fry are about 6 weeks old, growing well at about 1cm in size. I am giving these away free, but would like them not to be used as live food.
Livestock:Guppy Fry

Quantity for sale:15ish, they don't stay still long enough to be counted

Reason for Sale:Too many in my tank

Delivery or Collection:Collection from Nottingham-city centre

Sales price: Free

Postage & Packaging: n/a

Location: Nottingham

Photograph: Too difficult to get a good pic

The fry are about 6 weeks old, growing well at about 1cm in size. I am giving these away free, but would like them not to be used as live food.
I have 4 week old guppy fry that are over 2x bigger than your 6 week old fry.

Livestock:Guppy Fry

Quantity for sale:15ish, they don't stay still long enough to be counted

Reason for Sale:Too many in my tank

Delivery or Collection:Collection from Nottingham-city centre

Sales price: Free

Postage & Packaging: n/a

Location: Nottingham

Photograph: Too difficult to get a good pic

The fry are about 6 weeks old, growing well at about 1cm in size. I am giving these away free, but would like them not to be used as live food.
I have 4 week old guppy fry that are over 2x bigger than your 6 week old fry.


Thats helping her get rid of the fish, HOW?
Livestock:Guppy Fry

Quantity for sale:15ish, they don't stay still long enough to be counted

Reason for Sale:Too many in my tank

Delivery or Collection:Collection from Nottingham-city centre

Sales price: Free

Postage & Packaging: n/a

Location: Nottingham

Photograph: Too difficult to get a good pic

The fry are about 6 weeks old, growing well at about 1cm in size. I am giving these away free, but would like them not to be used as live food.
I have 4 week old guppy fry that are over 2x bigger than your 6 week old fry.


Thats helping her get rid of the fish, HOW?
Just saying.. if they're growing well, why are they smaller by 1cm than fry that are 2 weeks younger. I was just trying to emphasize that
deff no postage??

Fraid not, have none of the relevant bags, packing etc, and wouldn;t have a clue where to start.

Livestock:Guppy Fry

Quantity for sale:15ish, they don't stay still long enough to be counted

Reason for Sale:Too many in my tank

Delivery or Collection:Collection from Nottingham-city centre

Sales price: Free

Postage & Packaging: n/a

Location: Nottingham

Photograph: Too difficult to get a good pic

The fry are about 6 weeks old, growing well at about 1cm in size. I am giving these away free, but would like them not to be used as live food.
I have 4 week old guppy fry that are over 2x bigger than your 6 week old fry.


I feed them once a day, and they have an occasional treat of bloodworm, it would appear that all that were born from that group have survived, which is why i said they are growing well.
I said about 6 weeks old as i can't remember the date they were born, but am going by the fact that the mum has just given birth to a few more.
I haven't and am not going to get a tape measure to see exactly how big they are, but thought it would be worth giving a rough idea on the size.
I would take them aswell if you posted,

Best way is in a box with lots of padding, with the fish in two or three bags, if you can put them in a strong plastic container or polystyrene box.

send via royal mail special delivery. make sure you take to the post office as late as possible, i.e 5 mins before closing time.

Make sure you mark on the box this way up and never mark fragile otherwise it wil end up as a football.

they should be all ok then.

Hmm doesn't llok like it :(

Shame you wont post really, if i lived any closer i would collect.

I feed them once a day, and they have an occasional treat of bloodworm, it would appear that all that were born from that group have survived, which is why i said they are growing well.

I feed mine 7 times a day 2-3 times live food (daphnia, bloodworms, mosquito larvae), once algae wafers or spirulnia and flake when I can't be bothered to go out side for the live food. I also keep a few in the live food tubs outside, they have no filtration (except plants), randomly when I happen to fancy doing it, no water changes (except adding water direct from tap to replace evaporation loss and temps are natural heating/cooling for 5-10 gallon tubs warmed by daylight in direct sunlight for the majority of the day. The ones outside seem to grow much more rapidly then the ones inside so I conclude protein is more important then other nutrients however have heard that with lack of vitamins spinal deformities and other issues can occur. There are also some living in the pond with goldies who where meant to be goldie food but no-one seems to of told the goldfish that they are just cast offs so don't track their size but they have survived so far without direct feeding for 4-6 weeks (can't remember the last time I made new additions to that colony). Their growth is also dependent on temperature. In review feed them more often :)
I feed them once a day, and they have an occasional treat of bloodworm, it would appear that all that were born from that group have survived, which is why i said they are growing well.

I feed mine 7 times a day 2-3 times live food (daphnia, bloodworms, mosquito larvae), once algae wafers or spirulnia and flake when I can't be bothered to go out side for the live food. I also keep a few in the live food tubs outside, they have no filtration (except plants), randomly when I happen to fancy doing it, no water changes (except adding water direct from tap to replace evaporation loss and temps are natural heating/cooling for 5-10 gallon tubs warmed by daylight in direct sunlight for the majority of the day. The ones outside seem to grow much more rapidly then the ones inside so I conclude protein is more important then other nutrients however have heard that with lack of vitamins spinal deformities and other issues can occur. There are also some living in the pond with goldies who where meant to be goldie food but no-one seems to of told the goldfish that they are just cast offs so don't track their size but they have survived so far without direct feeding for 4-6 weeks (can't remember the last time I made new additions to that colony). Their growth is also dependent on temperature. In review feed them more often :)

Wow, thanks. I just assumed i'd be overfeeding them if i fed them more than twice a day.
If you want fish posting, why not offer to send HER the packaging ? is there NO common courtesy any more ? Sheesh :angry:
If you want fish posting, why not offer to send HER the packaging ? is there NO common courtesy any more ? Sheesh :angry:

Now thats a good idea, thanks Rooster.

If anyone wants them posting send me the packaging and i'll post them at cost and you can pay by paypal to cover postage.
Gave 6 to the headteacher at my kids school this morning, so now down to around 10.

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