New Member
Hi! My name is Meghan and I’m panicked because this morning I woke up to see that one of the guppies I’ve been caring for, for a friend had a long, long string of white poop hanging out of her. I think or thought she was pregnant but I’m not so sure anymore and this was alarming to see. She is still kinda plump but the dark spot near the back of her is decreased I guess? I looked up what it could mean and read things from white poop disease to internal parasite. Currently there are 3 adult guppies in the tank.(2 female 1 male) There is also an algae eater and 6 baby guppies that are only about a week and a half old. My afflicted female guppy seems fine, she has no lost of appetite and the other fish seem fine too. I’m just really scared because they aren’t my fish and I don’t want anything to happen to them. Please help!(also if I treat the tank will the babies be okay?)