Hi, I have had an aquarium running for about 5 weeks, with fish in for 3. I have lost a few danios and neon tetras and currently have 2 danios, 3 tetras, 2 platys, 3 guppies, 1 dwarf gourami and 2 small crabs. The tank is 50l, temp 23-25C (cannot keep it constant), nitrite and ammonia readings both 0.25, pH 8.2 I have urgently tried to get pH reading down by adding a salt recommended for bringing pH to 7, but it made no difference. I have added some more as per instructions and am waiting to test again. The salts made the water very cloudy which I think is due to the hardness of my water (any tips for getting rid of it?).
But my poor guppy. I introduced it 4 days ago. It had a bright orange tail. Gradually it lost the colour so it was just a dull cream, but now it's tail looks like it is just black strands and it looks like the fish is disintegrating! He continues to swim around quite happily...but then so were the other dish before they died. Any clues?
But my poor guppy. I introduced it 4 days ago. It had a bright orange tail. Gradually it lost the colour so it was just a dull cream, but now it's tail looks like it is just black strands and it looks like the fish is disintegrating! He continues to swim around quite happily...but then so were the other dish before they died. Any clues?