Guppy diagnosis help needed

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May 1, 2020
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Yorkshire, UK
Hi guys, I have a guppy tank which currently has a mix of adults and juveniles and about 9 fry. I also have four otos (2 are juvenile).
I haven't introduced anything to the tank for months but last week I did remove about 15 juveniles to take to the LFS.
Last night I noticed that one of the guppies I've had for about 16 months had a white growth on his side. He's also hiding at the bottom of the tank a lot (it's planted).
I'm new to the hobby (about 2 years) and have been lucky enough not to encounter disease before so I'm unprepared. It doesn't look like anchor worm or fungus. To be honest, it looks like the roots potatoes put out when you've had them a while.
About an hour ago I put him in a bucket with some salted water for half an hour after reading it may help most infections.
It gave me chance to get a good look at him and its not good. Photos below.
I purchased him with a bent spine, he was my first fish and I felt sorry for him. He's been fine and has breeded with the females so no issues there.
The red colour is so much brighter than it was when I bought him. He almost seems transparent now, like I can see his insides. His body wasn't black but like a dark grey in colour and now he looks so sickly.
The growth appeared within about 24 hours. I ALWAYSinspect my fish when I feed them because I'm a paranoid newbie and it wasn't there the night before, or it was small enough I couldn't see it.

Does anyone know what it could be?

Tank size: 55l
pH: 6.6 (this is lower than usual. I check weekly and it's usually 7.6 or thereabouts. Could this be the cause? And what would cause PH to drop like that?)
ammonia: 0ppm
nitrite: 0ppm
nitrate: 10ppm
tank temp: 25 celcius
Volume and Frequency of water changes: about 25%-30% weekly

He has a very bent spine.

Do a 75% water change, this will help prevent secondary infection

What is your GH? You can find this Info on your local water providers website. We need this info

What is your ammonia, nitrite and nitrate? We also need this.

How often do you do water changes and how much water do you change each time?
Hi juicebox, my area has soft water. All the other info was in my original post:
ammonia: 0ppm
nitrite: 0ppm
nitrate: 10ppm
tank temp: 25 celcius
Volume and Frequency of water changes: about 25%-30% weekly
Hi juicebox, my area has soft water. All the other info was in my original post:
ammonia: 0ppm
nitrite: 0ppm
nitrate: 10ppm
tank temp: 25 celcius
Volume and Frequency of water changes: about 25%-30% weekly
Sorry I missed the water quality bit lol.

You have quite a lot of guppies for a 15 gallon, so I would reccomend 60% weekly. Its likely this was caused by poor water quality.

How long has his back been bent like that?

Since you have soft water I would reccomend getting rift lake substrate to harden the water. Guppies need a gh of at least 200ppm. The substrate is the easiest way to harden it and the cheapest in the long run.

When guppies live in soft water they dont get the nutrients and minerals that they need and their organs cant function properly. This leads to premature death and they become extra prone to disease.
I did not know that about water hardness so thank you!

His spine has always been like that, it's why I picked him because I felt sorry for him. Had him about 16 months and he's been fine, just swims with his whole body moving from side to side.
I use the API master test kit weekly and thought if all readings were good the water quality was good, that's why I only do about 25% changes.

Do you know what he has? Could it be fungus? I ordered a fungus treatment just in case.
I did not know that about water hardness so thank you!

His spine has always been like that, it's why I picked him because I felt sorry for him. Had him about 16 months and he's been fine, just swims with his whole body moving from side to side.
I use the API master test kit weekly and thought if all readings were good the water quality was good, that's why I only do about 25% changes.

Do you know what he has? Could it be fungus? I ordered a fungus treatment just in case.
I'm not sure. @Colin_T probably will though, hes our disease guy lol
Hi guys, he's developed another white spot at the top of his fin. This one does look like fungus.
If it wasn't a fungul infection would it be harmful to treat it as though it was?
I was doing the 75% water change so managed to get a good picture in the shallow water.
The water changes should take care of it

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