Guppy breeding


Fish Aficionado
Sep 25, 2003
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I want to breed gupies in a community tank. The way I see it, the other fish will keep the fry population down (the other fish won't be rabid fry eaters) and the guppies are a very fecund type of livebearer. What do you think?

I've read that they hardly need any prodding, and I wanted to raise sunrise guppies (b/c they're beautiful and the cheapest guppies I could find).
I'll place the first batch of guppy fry in a net breeder so I'll know they're safe, and then set my experiment into motion. :D
If there are a lot of hiding places and none of your other fish are mean fish that like babies then you should have some guppies in the community tank. Its never a problem for my tank, the guppy fry swim right out and steal food from the swordtails who are ten times their size!
Temp in my guppy tank I have breeding grass....(I think that is what it is called.) It is a square plant that floats on top of the water. The little fry can escape into it and not be harrassed to much. BUT since it also floats on the water they can also jump out when I put dry flakes in the tank to get some food. This Link has a picture of some.
Thats what i do and i still have loads of fry and the fish ive got are 2 blue gouramius 2 dwarf honey gourami 9 different couloured platy 3 dalmation mollies 2 bronze corydoras and guppies and the guppie fry are fine

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