Guppy And A Blackskirt Tetra Distressed ?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 22, 2009
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I'm kinda new here so I hope you dont mind answering some of my questions. I've had my tank for a while now but I've just got into the raising fish craze, my dad use to manage my fish and now he said I should do it and its really starting to become so interesting.

But I'm here to ask about my female guppy and my blackskirt tetra.

Its a 10 gallon tank. A Jebo R338.

The female guppy before had White spot not too long ago which I believe I have cured because there are no more white spot fish in the tank. (theres only 2 anyway). Um..Before it use to always swim at the top of the tank (i believe that was normal), but the past few days its been staying behind the filter and just staying there most of the time and only coming out when its feeding time. Does it have a disease ? is it distressed ?

Also my blackskirt tetra acts funny sometimes when I put my net in. It starts darting sometimes and after a few minutes after I take the net out, it swims to the bottom and lays vertically up but on the gravel as if its still in shock or sleeping. Is that a sign of distress or a disease ? But the rest of time it seems fine, its only when I move it or put the net in.

So is all this normal or I am doing something wrong ?

oh by the way, Because i was using the medicine for Ich/White spot, i've heard that I needed more oxygen in it, and its kinda been overheating lately because of the heatwave in adelaide here, but I bought something called a OxyShell, which it says it Balances pH levels and adds more oxygen. Is that true ? If not, is the only way I can get more oxygen is to get an airstone or that thing that blows bubles from the gravel?

Anddd..Thanks a bunch for spending your time to help me out. Appreciate it.

Sincerely, Sang, the new fish hobbist.
well if you stick a net in the tank of course the fish are going to get stressed!
have you moved any thing in the tank lately or added any plants/ ornaments?
It's always happened for the whole time hes been in there each time I put the net in he does that. I've put in a new rock a few days ago, washed it very well, boiled it.

So i'm really assuming its not the rock.
There was a thread on here about OxyShell at some point a while back. I can't remember if the members thought it was good or bad, but hopefully someone will come along who remembers about it. The tendency among experienced aquarists is to be reluctant to put any sort of chemicals into the tank. About the only one used on a regular basis is conditioner, to remove chlorine/chloramines from fresh tap water. You can drip vinegar on that new rock to see if it fizzes, which would indicate that the rock would raise your pH, which you might not want.

So anyway Sang, welcome to TFF. Are you familiar with "the Nitrogen Cycle?" Its a core skill to learn about and so we make it a regular thing to ask newcomers and to recommend that they look at our background reading on it in the pinned threads at the top of the beginner forum here. Then you can ask questions about it. Its pretty interesting stuff and even if you've encountered it a bit, you will probably find lots of depth of understanding about it here among the members. The reason I mention it is that most members probably would have mentioned the "stats" of their aquarium with respect to the substances involved in the nitrogen cycle, ammonia, nitrite(NO2) and nitrate(NO3), not to mention pH. Levels of these things can be quite crucial to the stress level of fish.

I realise about that about the nitrogen cycle but I never did it basically because my cousins set it up for me when I was young so I wasnt really sure. I've all about doing a fishless cycle and everything and I know what I gotta do for a new tank. I've had this for 4 or 5 years now so Im guessing my filter should be able to handle it ?
when you stick deco into your fish tank with already existing fish sometimes they get a bit distressed because of their new surrundings, i thing their just having a hard time settling in.
The best way to get maximum oxygen into the water is to make sure the filter is significantly stirring the water near the surface. The more water movement near the surface, the more likely your oxygen content in the water will be at saturation. There is no way to put more oxygen into the water more than a few seconds than the amount it takes to saturate the water. The air stone is not needed to get very good oxygenation.

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