

Fish Herder
Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
Hollywood, Florida, USA
Why do guppies cost so much??? araound here they sell for $3.79 - $3.99 each!!!. I only payed $2.99 each for powder blue gouramis and $3.99 each for quarter sized angels. guppies are the bunnies of freshwater fish and are far from rare. anybody have any ideas?
Hah, maby cause they can sell them for that much? I've also knowen them to be a f air amount of money for such a little fish! It could also be cause you can breed them easily meaning you only need to buy 3 fish to get 100?
Ahhh the mystery of economics......

.....that is supply and demand ;)

that and maybe that some breeders have breed many generations in order to get the colour forms that they are after :/

oh well, I now have 4 males and 2 females (1 gravid) so I'm sure I'll have more babies than I know what to do with very soon. (I know what to do) keep the really pretty ones and the rest get thrown in the big tank for food!!!)
i don't kno tanked, about the pregnant guppy, i heard that if u buy a pregnant guppy they will usually abort it cause of stres cause guppies can be more easily stressed out than platties...... oh well good luck! :hyper:

Kevin :D
I get guppies fopr around 85p here (uk) at least if she does have a few babies u know u can sell them back to the lfs for $2 each :thumbs:
guppies over here are cheap as chips!!!!

hahahahahaha......all i need is a stripey suit and an orange tan n i can be that mad man on bargain hunt......

dwarf gourami's over here are about £3.50 and pleco's are £2

i saw some seahorses for sale for £35 over the weekend but they are like rocking horse sh*t

Tek :fish:
DMK said:
I get guppies fopr around 85p here (uk) at least if she does have a few babies u know u can sell them back to the lfs for $2 each :thumbs:
I've never seen them cheeper than £1.50 each!
-=DG=- said:
I've never seen them cheeper than £1.50 each!
Thats because you shop at syon park branch of MA :p I can get female guppies at 50p each if i buy 20 or more at a time.
Even at Ashford and funky fish. Even when i went Leicester they were just as expensive (both males & females). And who wants female guppies anyway :) (maybe the male guppies :p )
-=DG=- said:
And who wants female guppies anyway :)
Not me thats for sure,i just used them as feeders from time to time.
Hi Tanked.

There is an easy answer to the question. Quality fish cost a lot of money. The humble guppy is so inbreed now, that good quality blood lines are hard to maintain, and thus good quality fish are hard to come by.

It is the same with angels over the pond. I was shocked to see breeding pairs selling for over $200. They were great looking fish, but $100 per angel fish is just stupid, compared to UK prices.

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