

Fish Fanatic
Apr 13, 2004
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how long does it take for guppies to have babies, i got sum today, 1 male and 2 females and they are at it like rabbits. Wot do i do???
You can't do anythihng except sit back and watch.

The females might already be pregnant, first of all.

If you want many many fry and can handle them, you could up the temp to around 78ºF, though this'll mean they'll be more stressed out and might die earlier. It also means more hunger and waste.
you can buy a 10 gallon fry tank, raise them and sell them, or separate the males from the females perminantly, OR as sick as it sounds, let nature take its course and the tank mates will devour the fry as an extra source of protein :sick:
no i want them to have fry, just never had fry before, i have an isolation tank, when do u think i should put the female in?
One week before the fry are due. You'll have to leave her in the tank the first few times to make sure you're doing it right, or put her in the moment you know she's pregnant. Don't move her around the time she's due or she'll drop the fry prematurely.
Female gestation lasts around 27-30 days and every batch is around 30-40 fry per female. When she's ready to give birth, look for a very big dark gravid spot, by the back of her belly(look at pic #1). Also, her belly will become very large, almost squarish(pic #2). My females will often stay by some plants or will want to rest by the surface when they want to have their fry and to escape any pesky males.
Pic #1


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