

Al Bundy
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Dec 12, 2003
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If i breed guppies in my 55 gallon tank, will my other fish eat the fry (if that what there called???) and how many babies do the females have, and how often?
and at what ratio Male:Female should my guppies be?
Most people agree on a 1male:2 female ratio. I bought 3 females cus when i had 2 they seemed stressed, but then again i have a really horny male, lol! And yes some fish will eat your fry(including the mothers). Baby fry(yes thats what they're called) are a delicacy to most fish and they will gladly devour them. As soon as you see babies, move them into another tank or put in moss, marbles(creates small spaces) or whatever for hiding places in your original tank . I've been dumb a couple times and even leaving a baby fry for 10 mins, they could be all gone(either eaten or sucked up the filter). Once in awhile you may find 1 or 2 that made it, but unless you give them good hiding places, they wont survive.
If you have plenty of structure, ie: rock piles, thin leaved bushy plants, moss, etc. then some will survive and grow. The rest are "free fresh food" just like nature intended.

Even with leaving most of my livebearer fry in the community tanks I still need to thin them out and give some away every few months.

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