
Al Bundy
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Dec 12, 2003
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If i breed guppies in my 55 gallon tank with other fish, will the other ish eatthe baby guppies, or will so be left???
It depends on what kind of "other" fish you have. If you have plenty of places for the fry to hide it'll increase the survival rate. They say that fish that are well fed don't try and go after them, but some fish are ALWAYS hungry :lol:
yes a portion of them will survive thats how my tank used to work the ones that survived from birth were my new fish then basiclly u have a never ending supply unitl all the fish die off 8) guppies esspecially because they breed alot! every month or something i herd.hope this helped
the bigger fish will eat them but then o well some will survive it would be a good cycle like say if u put them in with angles and if they get eaten they get eaten, they breed alot! and are a good for the angles to have one once and awhile id supose a friend of mine ran there tank like this and it was awsome.
Almost any other fish would eat a guppy fry. They will breed and some might survive if you have a lot of think vegetation.

What you could do is net the females before they give birth and put them in one of the little breeding tanks that hang on the inside of the tank. Then after she has the babies, release her and keep the fry there until they are large enough to put in the 55 tank (it may take a couple months though).


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