

Fish Crazy
Nov 8, 2003
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staffordshire uk
Hello everyone :)

just got a question , can baby guppies ascape from a breeding box ? as i found a few in my tank , i couldent catch the female as she was to fast i know if i dont catch some they will be history as iv'e got quite a few larger fish in the tank , and also how long before they get there colour ?

thanks Angelx :crazy:
The babies can get out of the breeder net only if there isn't a top on it. Sometimes the other fish can suck babies through the net but they wouldn't survive (would have been eaten!). The female may have had more babies pop out and you might not have noticed it. Thats the best explanation I can come up with. The fry will get their color starting at around a month old depending on how often and what they are fed. The best food for them is live food like just hatched brine shrimp but crushed flakes works too.
Thank you guppymonkey , well i got up this morning and 3 more had gone from the box i only have 4 now just hope they stay put , i have got a bushy corner in the tank and have seen them in there but couldent get them , think i will just leave them , my swordtail had babys a few weeks back they were all lunch even with the grass , the trouble is they dont stay in the grass -_- they swim about with the larger fish , never mind .

Well, its survival of the fittest. And the fittest fry are the ones that aren't dumb enough to swim out into the mouths of the adults. If you want to keep some of the fry you could put them into a separate tank. Or you could get more plants to give them hiding spots around the tank to run (swim) to when they are in danger of being lunch. It has worked for me, I have one fry that swims right out into the open to steal food from the fish that are ten times its size! :lol:

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