
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Sep 26, 2005
Reaction score
Cardiff - Wales
hi i have a 40 gal tank just got some guppies just wondered if anyone had any ideas what would be good to go with my guppies they are all males

any ideas much appreciated
Tetra's are fine with guppys, and other livebearers, corys,plecs, no gouramis or betta fin nip the guppys tails, danio are fine, no barbs to aggressive and fin nippers.
Not all Tetras work, as some can be nippy. Also, depending on the Danio, they can be nippy too. And, not all Barbs are aggressive, some are very peaceful, like Cherry Barbs. :)

But yes, as Wilder said, most other common Livebearers will be fine, Cories and Plecos are good, Rasboras are always nice.

What kind of fish do you want? Like schooling fish, or a few "centerpiece" fish, or what?
It depends wether you want your centre fish to be a bottom dweller or mid to high level dweller.
A peaceful bottom dwelling fish for example would be a bristnose plec, even a small group of them, here is a link with more info a pics on them;

for other peaceful community bottom dwelling fish corys make a good choice but do best in groupd of 4+, albino, bronze and peppered corys are very hardy ones in particular;

albino and bronze corys

peppered corys;

Oto's also make good small growing algae eating fish;

As for tetras, bloodfin, glolite and and neon tetras also make good peacful community tetras and do best in groups of at least 6 of their own kind;

bloodfin tetra

glolite tetra

neon tetra

for other fish cherry barbs, polka dot loachs and female bettas also make good community fish although all do best in groups;

cherry barb

polka dot loach

These are just some ideas for your tank stocking, always research your fish yourself as much as posible before you get it, if you tank is new i also strongly suggest you read up on "new tank syndrome" in the pinned articles at the top of the beginners section :) .
I have one cherry barb left and he chased my corys so had to move him, he's a little charactor, but he settled down now, joined my glow light tetra's who he used to chase about.

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