Guppies with Red worms hanging..

Jimmy Twotimes

Fish Fanatic
Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
Herts, UK

I think my Guppies have camallanus :no: as they seem to have thin red worms ( i think) hanging out of the anus.

Any ideas on treatment? I thrown in some Waterlife Paragon (which is a parasiticide) and i repeat the treatment in a fortnight. Any guess if this will cure the problem or is there anything else I can do?

Any help appreciated. Tank mates include Amano Shrimp, SAE, neons and well as lots of guppies (fry too).


what did you feed them last?

If it was bloodworm (or anything else red) - dont worry... it'l just be coloured poop.

ours do green and red poop when we feed them veggies or bloodworm.
Thanks for the reply. Intriguing cos I do feed them blood worm once a week. However, its not all the guppies that have this problem and the anus does look a bit swollen. Plus today is Friday and I last fed bloodworm 2-3 days ago. Surely it must have come out by now?

Also the "red" bits are thin - not poop like at all.........And sometimes I can see more than one thin red line protruding. I'm almost 100% certain they are infected :sad: .

Bleedin fish - you do weekly water changes, give them a good varied diet add plants, check the temp and still they get sick............ -_-

Thanks again Smithrc.
If you are sure that what you are seeing is worms then you can treat with a parasite med. But be sure so that you are not stressing the fish for nothing. HTH :)

EDIT: if it is actually camallanus then here is a link
I'm as sure as I can be!! I've added the parasite med today and see how that goes - it says to repeat if necessary in 2 weeks time.

Hope it does the trick. -_-
It definitely sounds like the dreaded camallanus!!! But don't despair - I've treated it successfully in guppies and angelfish. The link tstenback gave you is an article by Charles Harrison, who has the best meds for treatment. It's quick and easy, and will take care of those worms. If you've caught it early, you should be able to save your fish.

Email Charles, and he can send you the powder form of the meds which you re-constitute to add to the tank. I did a second treatment after speaking with him about my particular situation - he's more than happy to share his knowledge.

I think my fish became infested with camallanus from snails that were added to my aquarium. Have you recently added snails or plants?

Good luck!
I havent added snails or plants but I do have a bit of a snail problem. They are the flat type and I seem to pick out lots and lots but they just keep coming back. I even put some snail treatment in - worked for about 2 weeks but they just came back. :(

Will email Charles to see what he can offer.

Thanks again.

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