New Member
Good morning. I set up a small 40 litre planted tank 6 weeks ago, 2 weeks later I added 3 baby guppies from my pond. I also accidentally introduced some small snails from my pond.
Those guppies grew quickly and some transfers have taken place as I only wanted female guppies in my tank.
10 days ago I introduced 10 red cherry shrimp which have also thrived, moulted and grown, 1 died.
over the last few days, each morning I had 1 less guppy until only 1 remained. Yesterday I took 3 more young from the pond to the tank. This morning only 1 guppy remains.
These guppies were NOT sick. There are no remains to be found in the tank. I have kept guppies on and off for 40 years, I know a sick guppy. I have checked back on video I took the day before 1 guppy vanished and she was swimming, no bloat, eating etc. Last night my husband shone a torch in at 1am and saw them all. This morning at 6am 3 are gone.
The shrimp and snails are eating snowflakes, peas, broccoli, beans and fish flakes, all in small quantities. No ammonia or nitrates and zero nitrates thanks to all the plants.
Any ideas? I even covered the tank last night in case ghekkos were getting them.
Those guppies grew quickly and some transfers have taken place as I only wanted female guppies in my tank.
10 days ago I introduced 10 red cherry shrimp which have also thrived, moulted and grown, 1 died.
over the last few days, each morning I had 1 less guppy until only 1 remained. Yesterday I took 3 more young from the pond to the tank. This morning only 1 guppy remains.
These guppies were NOT sick. There are no remains to be found in the tank. I have kept guppies on and off for 40 years, I know a sick guppy. I have checked back on video I took the day before 1 guppy vanished and she was swimming, no bloat, eating etc. Last night my husband shone a torch in at 1am and saw them all. This morning at 6am 3 are gone.
The shrimp and snails are eating snowflakes, peas, broccoli, beans and fish flakes, all in small quantities. No ammonia or nitrates and zero nitrates thanks to all the plants.
Any ideas? I even covered the tank last night in case ghekkos were getting them.