Guppies laying on gravel


Fish Herder
Apr 2, 2003
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cardiff uk
Hi i'm back for more advice, another 1 of my male guppies is showing signs of illness, he's resting on the gravel and looks sorry for himself.

Could it something to do with the water change i did on sat? since then everybody has been coming down with something?

I'm not sure of what to do? all water chemistry is 0.1 ammonnia, 0 nitrite and 10mg/litre of nitrates :/ Ph is at 7.3 to 7.6

The gravel is clean good job. I already have 2 in qurantine with bacterial infections, should i isolate him too?

He is still feeding at the moment.

I'm pulling my hair out over it. :crazy: that's gotta bite, everybody starting to catch something :( ...could your water change bucket have gotten contaminated :huh:
why is the nitries up a little for how long had it been before u done a water change cut back on the feeding until the nitrite goes down. put a little salt in with that helps the nitrite not be so toxic that is all I know to tell you.
hmmmmm i've rinsed the bucket out with clean water, i only use the one bucket for all my tanks, Their tails have got a black edging which is real strange, I've done another 10% to 20% water change just incase it is a toxin in the tank.

I'm totally baffled to whats happening?
how much are you feeding your fish you are changing your water alot arent you the nitrites shouldnt be high not unless you have medicine of somekind that is causing your nitrite to raise. I dont mean to be bossy but if you are feeding them a lot all you are going to do is cause your self a lot of work when it comes to keeping fungus away and things like that I know some times I watch my guppies and thier tails turn a little black sometimes but that is only when it is chasing the female around I have feeder guppies that tails turn black alot. Dont get mad at me when I tell you to cut back on the feeding I had to learn this the hard way. I know it is hard to do when they come up and beg for food.
i feed them once a day and only a pinch

now have 1 dead and 2 critically ill
sorry to hear about your fish did you try a salt bath mabey that will help out a little I wish I knew what to tell you in this matter mabey someone will know before things get any worse
Look like they are suffering from a hook worm infestation!!!!! totally gross it has affected my new baby fry as i took a closer look of their bodies underneath the microscope they were swarming with these things :crazy: i have now added treatment to the tank it's a 3 day course treatment so that should sort out the blitters!!!!

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