So I was thinking about moving my Convicts to my Turtle tank and putting my Male and Female Fancy Guppies in my 55 Gal. Now one of my Fancy Guppies had 17 Fry yesterday (all still alive ^^) but I am getting tired of putting a bunch of baby fish in buckets and stuff and having to do water changes all the time. Now my question is, if I put the babys in the tank first and provide LOTS of Fake plants, Hideing spots, maybe rocks stacked so they can get into the small groves, will more then 90% of the babys survive and not be eaten? Also how do you feed small fish in such a big tank? Do they just eat what falls to the bottom of the tank untill they are big enouph to come out without getting eaten? And how long does it usually take for a baby guppie to get big enouph to not be fish food?
Also if they have more babys in the future, they should all survive at a pretty good rate right? 55 Gallon Long tanks with small fish should be pretty good right?
Also if they have more babys in the future, they should all survive at a pretty good rate right? 55 Gallon Long tanks with small fish should be pretty good right?