Guppies Guppies!


New Member
Jan 3, 2009
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I decided to do another guppy tank since I love these guys, so I went to a petshop to get a few last Tuesday. As I browsed through the tanks...I saw this really fat red female guppy and I instantly wanted her. While I waited for the clerk to get her out for me...this guppy came right to the front of the tank as if to say "watch this" She started dropping fry like it was nothing! Sadly....everyone she dropped got snatched up by some of the other fish that were in the tank :sad: At this point I didnt know if I should still get her for fear she would have more on the way home with her and they too get smashed or eaten, so I let her stay in the tank. Ok....I end up buying 4 other females and 1 male. After acclimating them all...I released them to their new home and they were fine. Wednesday morning just as I went to feed the fish..I saw 2 little guppies swimming at the top of the tank :hyper: I went and got a spare 1 gallon container I had used for a betta so I could fill it with some of the tanks water. When I returned to the tank...only 1 was left :look: Assuming it got eaten...Gently I scooped her out and she continued to drop one fry after another :D I go back to the tank and holly macaroni! There's another female dropping fry as I watched the very first one drop out :huh: I didnt want them to get ate so the only thing I could think of was get her into the net and away from the others. The net was pretty large so as she sat in the net she continued to give birth and as she did...I gently scooped them out and put them in another container. This went on for like 3 hours straight! The first guppy had 20 and the second one had 25! now I have 45 guppy fry! They are all doing fine so far :cool: .
Welcome to the forum MrsDoubtfire. Congratulations on the guppy fry.
Where you are now is that you have a need for another tank to let them get big enough to put some back with the adults. The 1 gallon container will quickly become too small for all of them.
Welcome to the forum MrsDoubtfire. Congratulations on the guppy fry.
Where you are now is that you have a need for another tank to let them get big enough to put some back with the adults. The 1 gallon container will quickly become too small for all of them.

Hey...thanks for the advice and they have already been placed in a large grow out tank and are all eating and doing well. I only had them in the one gallon while mom was dropping them. Now let me go post again :unsure:
Congrats on the fry! Would love to see pics as they grow...

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