Guppies Going Up And Down Like Crazy On The Side Of My Tank

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May 13, 2013
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I have NO clue why they do it, I have two male guppies (don't want them to reproduce since it's only a 10gal) There's a CPO with them and the water parameter are all okay for guppies if only a bit harder than I would like it to be but I can't really do anything about my tap water and it's still minimal.  

Why would they do that?
Chasing their reflection. It's very normal :)
Can you post your water stats please. Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.
What a  CPO.
Guppys and active fish.
As long as there not showing signs of turning upside down, or gasping, or heavy breathing.
Flicking and rubbing.
How long have you had the guppys?
mine do it alot they think its a rival male so they are displaying a little like bettas nothing to worry about
Alright lol.

For more info... This tank was fishless cycled then housed a large 4-5 inches long P.Clarkii crayfish, that managed to push the lid of my tank and run away. Into a wall of my house to be spotted, tried to lure back. Didn't work, she actually never came out from inbetween the drywall and the concrete wall. We sadly assume she died. 
Thus while my tank was fully cycled (with the P.Clarkii, the bacterias probably had a lot of food lol), I decided to switch the classic fishtank gravel to a nicer sand/gravel bottom that I thoroughly cleaned (that wasn't fun on my hand) then waited a few days, got the guppies, then got the cpo. That one already molted once and is pretty cute lol. Oh, I also tried to put java moss around my log/branch... and around the crayfish tubes(hiding spot) Then added a marimo moss ball. always wanted one of those thing. 

And oh, almost forgot, CPO is a Cambarellus Patzcuarensis Orange or  a Dwarf crayfish that thrives well in similar water parameter and they are very small and peaceful. So far, the CPO hasn't even touched the java moss in my tank and they seems to live fairly well with each other.  I only have had both for one or two week. I've read they usually fair very well together (guppies and CPO).

Ammonia : 0
nitrite : 0
haven't really tested nitrate but I'm pretty sure it's normal and tomorrow morning I'm doing my water change.
PH is inbetween 7.5 and 8
water temperature is at about 24C
CRAZY amount of bubbles. 

However, seeing as one of you suggested it may be something about my male guppies trying to ''display'' to another male. I wonder if it's a good thing I only have males guppies ( yet... this choice was made so they obviously can't reproduce and the male guppies were significantly more colorful) 

I also was thinking about adding a second CPO and one or two Guppies eventually. Would that be overstocking my tank? If not, should I keep on going with male guppies?  

I'm trying to go with the ''one inch of fish per gallon'' since guppies usually are about 1.5- 2 inches long adult, 3 would get me about 6 inches. and CPOs can get up to 1.5inch to 2 inches max that would get me up to 4 inches for a total of 10. for 10 gallon.

So any of you guys care to answer me?  
In the past I know a lot of fish could just be acting a little weird depending how recent you have got them. And also on a kind of off topic I would try to get some females to reproduce. They are live bearers and need almost no special treatment while pregnant, and could add color to a potentially new tank if you ever decided to get some. But about them acting weird it should be fine but just keep an eye on them and hope all goes well.
Chasing their reflection, they're crazy fish! If it annoys you, you could add a taller plant or two to the relfective side(s).
Linear said:
Chasing their reflection, they're crazy fish! If it annoys you, you could add a taller plant or two to the relfective side(s).
ended up doing that, it worked, thanks ! The full tank is now used, not just the left side :p 

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