guppies givin birth


Fish Fanatic
Feb 29, 2004
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ive noticed my guppies are pregnant by the black bits at rear, one of em is larger than others so presume she prob not far till she pops em all out,

but just now looking in tank i saw a teeny baby inside the holes in a big rock i have!!!

cant see any others though, does the female give birth to one every now and then or all out at once? as shes still quite large with a large black bit at rear

stupidly i thought id get some fook in me fingers and crumble inside tank so lands on rock but all the other fish swarmed in!!!! DOH! :(

so i imagine the one i saw is gone already, i feel gutted there all gonna prob be eaten, am maybe thinking of filing a corner with very dence plants to give them somewere to hide
If you dont have a breeder net/trap to save the fry in, add dense plants (like you said) to the bottom and top of your takn. Live moss is perfect for fry to squeeze and be safe in. Have floating plants at the top of your tank because i often find the fry will find there way to the top of the tank and will want to reside there.

For giving birth, My female will usually have all her fry within 5-8 hrs. There may be 10 mins gaps inbetween but sometimes a female with have 4 fry at a time so keep a good eye out b/c many fish will eat fry, even the parents! Fry are a delicacy to most fish which may be the reason you've only seen one so far.

As soon as you see a fry, scoop him out with a turkey baster or a net and put the fry in either a net in the tank or say a 1 gallon bowl. Seperating him into his own area will allow him to eat more food(finely crushed flakes, bloodworms, or tubifex powder will be fine) without any competition that may take it away. Sure some fry can survive on there own in the tank but thats with lots of plants and not alot of fish in there to eat him, so it's up to you if you want to start saving them. Then again, if you own guppies you'll be expecting more fry within 30 days or so. Females can store a males sperm for numerous amount of times resulting in, say, 4 batches of fry from just one mating.
Good luck :D

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