Guppies Dying


New Member
Feb 17, 2009
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HI, i bought some gupies at the weekend from a reputable fish store and have had two die since. I would be very grateful for any advice or ideas as to why they may have died. I thought it may be stress or pH shock, but others all seem fine at the moment, except the remaining red guppy which is developing black lesions on its tail, the dead ones have very little or no black lesions. tetras seem fine but may be becoming a little lethargic but might be becoming paranoid! i cant find info on these black markings on the tail and wether they are significant. (see pic)

Tank size:125L
O2: 8
tank temp:23.5 degrees C

Fish Symptoms
No lesions found on dead fish. display lifelessness and lethargy, blind? affected fish swim into glass. last red guppy is developing black on its tail

changed 40L yesterday afterfinding first fish dead, usually change at least 30l a week tank running for 2 months now, was fishless cycled for 4 weeks. low ish pH but may be the bogwood?

Tank inhabitants:

6 neon tetra's (4 weeks)
6 cardinal Tetras (4 weeks)

2 albino bristle nosed catfish (3 days)
3 Blue Guppies(3 days)
1 red guppy (was 3) (3 days)



Help or advice greatly appreciated.


My tank:


Is the nitrite reading 0 or is it a test kit that goes to 03.
How long did you climatise the new fish for.

Black patches are ammonia burns that are healing.
Can the fish maintain its balance in the water.
Are the fish resting to oneside.
Or they laying on the subrate finding it hard to get off the bottom of the tank.
Any signs of flicking and rubbing.
Do any fish labour breath.
do fish dart around the tank.
Is the nitrite reading 0 or is it a test kit that goes to 03.
How long did you climatise the new fish for.

Black patches are ammonia burns that are healing.
Can the fish maintain its balance in the water.
Are the fish resting to oneside.
Or they laying on the subrate finding it hard to get off the bottom of the tank.
Any signs of flicking and rubbing.
Do any fish labour breath.
do fish dart around the tank.

tetra wet test kit that goes to <0.3 (yellow) or 0.3 (orange) so deffinitely <0.3
acclimatised for at least 30mins
my ammonia is 0 so does that mean the ammonia burns happened in the store?
can balance, they seem to sit in areas of least current i.e. bottom of filter and find it hard to swim against the flow no rubbing, when i first released the guppies they did seem to spend a while at the top of the tank but werent gasping. yes they do dart around the tank

many thanks

Can you turn flow down on filter abit. If the flow to strong it might be stressing them out.
Cook some peas for a few minutes, let cool down and pop out of shell, mush between fingers into small peices and add to the tank.

What does it look like when the go to the toilet.
Yes the black on the fins could due to bad water quality at the lfs.

Darting around the tank can mean, the fish it about to die or dying, toxins in the water, over dose of meds, stray voltage, ph shock, parasites, sometimes stress.
Can you turn flow down on filter abit. If the flow to strong it might be stressing them out.
Cook some peas for a few minutes, let cool down and pop out of shell, mush between fingers into small peices and add to the tank.

What does it look like when the go to the toilet.
Yes the black on the fins could due to bad water quality at the lfs.

Filter is a fluval 3, came with the tank but even on lowest setting is still a bit strong. what are the peas for? will give it a go!

faeces seem normal, but was hanging out of the blue guppy for a while today before it dropped.

thanks very very much for the advice

Can you turn flow down on filter abit. If the flow to strong it might be stressing them out.
Cook some peas for a few minutes, let cool down and pop out of shell, mush between fingers into small peices and add to the tank.

What does it look like when the go to the toilet.
Yes the black on the fins could due to bad water quality at the lfs.

Filter is a fluval 3, came with the tank but even on lowest setting is still a bit strong, venturi valve is full open as i havent invested in an air stone yet. . what are the peas for? will give it a go!

faeces seem normal, but was hanging out of the blue guppy for a while today before it dropped.

thanks very very much for the advice
They will be getting used to the stronger flow then.
You can put a net on the outlet tube with a rubber band thats slows the flow down.
The peas are for to flush the fish through, good for constipation.

If no improvement tomorrow come back on here.
HI, i bought some gupies at the weekend from a reputable fish store and have had two die since. I would be very grateful for any advice or ideas as to why they may have died.
tank temp:23.5 degrees C


personally i think your water tempreture is to low at 23 .5 degrees

below is a list of the stock you have and ther ideal tempreture ranges in red

if i was you i would increase the tempreture to 25°C

GUPPY - a tempreture around 74ºF-78ºF(22 -26°C) is where i find guppys to be happiest.
3 Blue Guppies(3 days)
1 red guppy (was 3) (3 days)

6 neon tetra's (4 weeks) Temperature 72ºF-78ºF (22 -26°C)
6 cardinal Tetras (4 weeks) 75ºF to 84ºF (24-29°C)
2 albino bristle nosed catfish (3 days) 70 ºF to 80ºF (21-27°C)
HI, i bought some gupies at the weekend from a reputable fish store and have had two die since. I would be very grateful for any advice or ideas as to why they may have died.
tank temp:23.5 degrees C


personally i think your water tempreture is to low at 23 .5 degrees

below is a list of the stock you have and ther ideal tempreture ranges in red

if i was you i would increase the tempreture to 25°C

GUPPY - a tempreture around 74ºF-78ºF(22 -26°C) is where i find guppys to be happiest.
3 Blue Guppies(3 days)
1 red guppy (was 3) (3 days)

6 neon tetra's (4 weeks) Temperature 72ºF-78ºF (22 -26°C)
6 cardinal Tetras (4 weeks) 75ºF to 84ºF (24-29°C)
2 albino bristle nosed catfish (3 days) 70 ºF to 80ºF (21-27°C)

thanks a lot, will inc to 25.

I found a cardinal dead this am, no lesions at all but appeared a bit bloated, was a bit lethargic last night. I am hoping this death may be unrelated to the guppies and it was just constipation, water parameters are all fine so really dont know what is going on.
Was his scales sticking out.
Was his scales sticking out.

no not at all, looks normal apart from a bit bloated on the underside of the fish. I suppose its a case of wait and see what happens over the next few days? nto a good feeling!

If anymore fish die I would try a bacterial med.
Good Luck.
HI, i bought some gupies at the weekend from a reputable fish store and have had two die since. I would be very grateful for any advice or ideas as to why they may have died. I thought it may be stress or pH shock, but others all seem fine at the moment, except the remaining red guppy which is developing black lesions on its tail, the dead ones have very little or no black lesions. tetras seem fine but may be becoming a little lethargic but might be becoming paranoid! i cant find info on these black markings on the tail and wether they are significant. (see pic)

Tank size:125L
O2: 8
tank temp:23.5 degrees C

Fish Symptoms
No lesions found on dead fish. display lifelessness and lethargy, blind? affected fish swim into glass. last red guppy is developing black on its tail

changed 40L yesterday afterfinding first fish dead, usually change at least 30l a week tank running for 2 months now, was fishless cycled for 4 weeks. low ish pH but may be the bogwood?

Tank inhabitants:

6 neon tetra's (4 weeks)
6 cardinal Tetras (4 weeks)

2 albino bristle nosed catfish (3 days)
3 Blue Guppies(3 days)
1 red guppy (was 3) (3 days)

View attachment 55362

View attachment 55363

Help or advice greatly appreciated.


My tank:

View attachment 55364


From someone who has kept many guppies before i have kept their temp at 26-28degrees celcius. 23 is way to low and your nitrate is way to high. Its should be well lower than that. Hi nitrate may mean over feeding, bad water quality. The bloated bit you describe in your last post also makes me think over feeding..
A nitrate reading of 12.5 isn't high.
Make sure no fish are nibbling at their fins.
that made mine die

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