Guppies dying

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Sep 21, 2005
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I live in Sudan and brought a tank and about 20 guppies back with me from Nairobi on a plane.
They survived the flight but since then 5 of them have died.
I used water conditioner to prepare the water - which I got out of mineral water bottles when I arrived back - but today three days on they are dying rapidly.
The filtration system is not up and running yet as i haven't found gravel here yet - but I assumed they'd survive for a little while without poisoning themselves.
Could it be the fact that the temperature here is quite hot ? they're in an airconditioned room during the day but overnight it heats up when it is off.
I can't buy fancy remedies or cures as there are no pet shops here. I guess it must be the water but I really don't know what to do.
Help desperately needed!
It probably is the lack of diltration linked to the higher temperature increasing their metabolsim.

What size tank are they in, and is it possible to get hold of a water test kit (from the internet) or take the water to be tested at an lfs?
andywg said:
It probably is the lack of diltration linked to the higher temperature increasing their metabolsim.

What size tank are they in, and is it possible to get hold of a water test kit (from the internet) or take the water to be tested at an lfs?

thanks for your quick reply.
Quite a small one at the moment maybe ten liters- the one they were supposed to live in got smashed at the airport.
I will try and locate some gravel to start the undergravel filtration.
No test kits available whatsoever i'm afraid -it's guesswork.
OK there will be three problems here.

Firstly, they are very overcrowded: 15 guppies (assuming you have an equal mix of males and females) would need something in the region of 22 US gallons, which is roughly 80 ltrs.

Secondly, no filtration, they will be stewing in their own waste. When you say you've got to get hold of gravel, what is the filtration system of your tank? Has it got an undergravel filter? Just putting gravel in is not going to do the job.

Thirdly, the heat. I found my guppies quite sensitive to the lack of oxygen during the recent heat wave in England, probably yours are quite a bit hotter. I solved my problem with an airstone adding extra oxygen. An additional problem in your case is that you must get a large fluctuation of temperature when the air conditioning comes off, which can also easily kill fish.

Afraid I can't suggest any cures; you have got to have proper filtration to keep guppies and that is the bottom line. You can of course try keeping the situation under control with frequent water changes, though TBH I don't know how good mineral water is for them either.
In a tank that small you will be needing to do something like two 50% water changes per day to try and keep the ammonia at an almost acceptable level.

To be honest, undergravel filtration really is a relic of a bygone age and you would be better with either an internal power filter or a hang on back filter (not sure on HOB as they aren't used in Britain) or possibly even a cannister filter.

While waiting, try reading the pinned guides on cycling and new tank syndrome.
The mineral water could also be causing some problems. Not sure that using it as tank water even after conditioning is the best idea. Someone correct me if I am wrong. The added electrolytes could be messing them up.
dwarfgourami said:
OK there will be three problems here.

Firstly, they are very overcrowded: 15 guppies (assuming you have an equal mix of males and females) would need something in the region of 22 US gallons, which is roughly 80 ltrs.

Secondly, no filtration, they will be stewing in their own waste. When you say you've got to get hold of gravel, what is the filtration system of your tank? Has it got an undergravel filter? Just putting gravel in is not going to do the job.

Thirdly, the heat. I found my guppies quite sensitive to the lack of oxygen during the recent heat wave in England, probably yours are quite a bit hotter. I solved my problem with an airstone adding extra oxygen. An additional problem in your case is that you must get a large fluctuation of temperature when the air conditioning comes off, which can also easily kill fish.

Afraid I can't suggest any cures; you have got to have proper filtration to keep guppies and that is the bottom line. You can of course try keeping the situation under control with frequent water changes, though TBH I don't know how good mineral water is for them either.

Bang on. Couldnt have said it better
Most mineral water barely differs from tap water (and a number of companies - like Coke - fill their bottles from tap water) so I don't think that would cause guppies to die, especially after conditioning it.

The main problem is having about 20 guppies in less than 3 gallons of water with no filter. New tank and a filter are necessary or they will all go eventually.
Travel stress - different water - different conditions - no filter - greatly fluctuating temperatures..... they are all factors in the deaths unfortunately. If you can get one male and one female to survive you can build up your stock again fairly quickly though.

Btu not to mention the fact that you most certainly broke Sudanese law by illegally taking in livestock. That is very irresponsible.

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