Guppies Being Nipped


Fish Fanatic
Mar 13, 2006
Reaction score
Queensland, Australia

I got my first guppies last week, and for the first few days things were going swimmingly :lol: When I came home from work today however, two of my boys have bits of tail missing! They're in a 50 gallon tank with cories and a BN plec. Water params are all good. I bought five males because I don't want millions of fry, but now I'm thinking maybe that isn't enough to spread the aggression. Should I buy a few more boys, or should I get an appropriate number of females?

At the moment Patch and Skellington are in a very boring hospital tank with aquarium salt and a small dose of Melafix. Is there a better course of action to get them to heal? They're in the hospital tank to get them away from whoever is doing the nipping and also because I can't add these meds to the main tank because of the cories.

Poor boys :sad:


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Have you seen the fish nipping at one another, as guppys are very prone to bacterial finrot.
I have seen one of the guppies [Tux] chasing and nipping at the others, but when I came home from work today Patch had passed away. RIP little guy :sad: Should I add another med for Skellington?
Salt and sparkly clean water is the best treatment for nipped fins. Some people swear by Melafix, others say it has killed their fish, so it's your call on that. Just keep the water very clean, whatever you do, and they should be good. I've healed countless numbers of fins that way. Good luck! :)

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