Guppies are dieing please help

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Fish Crazy
Jun 24, 2005
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I started of with 15 male guppies. Over the last few months i have found 4 dead they seem to go really skinny before they die. I looked in my tank a few minutes ago and found another one dead i think it must have died a while ago cos one of my shrimps was eating it :sick: . Have they got a disease of some sort the remaining ones in the tank apart from 2 look fat and healthy the other 2 look really skinny. Please help i dont want to lose the rest of my guppies :byebye: Thanks
how big is the tank?

it could be internal parasites
is its poo white and stringy??

or it coul be with that number of guppies in a small area they are killing eachother!

are your water sats ok?
The tank is 37.5 litres and only has 10 male guppies and 5 algae shrimp in it so they have plenty of room to swim about. Poo is normal just gave them a few flakes and they gobbled them up very quickly. What else could be wrong with them could it be old age although ive only had them for 4 months. NITRITE is 0, Ammonia is 0 . Tank has been up and running for about two years now.
Do they get a bent spine before they die.
If you've got all males, is it not possible that the guppies are fighting or bullying? the healthy ones are the ones getting the food and the smaller skinnier ones are perhaps not getting any like what blitztidus said. Kinda like survival of the fittest?

Best of luck
My lfs told me to get half male and half female guppies otherwise the men will get 'frustrated' and start fighting amongst themselves.

The females aren't as pretty, but maybe you could get some? And I have to say, when there is a lady in the tank, the male guppies to some fantastic tail flaring that is great fun to watch!

I would agree...maybe they are not getting enough food. how often do u feed them and how much. Any other changes in their behaviour? Do they look black internally?
P.S. You can get some stunning females, they're just more subtle - like ladies should be!! Be careful adding females - make sure you add enough -close to two females to one male maybe otherwise the males will be fighting over them. However, if the guppies are suffering from a parasite, infection or other then I would not advise adding more fish!!
yes i think it is likely that the males are fighting between them because they are frustrated that they have no female and so the smaller ones could be getting bullied out of food. I would suggest that you go and buy atleast as many females as you have males!!!!
They get fed twice a week is this enough, one time they have frozen blood worm and brineshrimp, the other time they have flakes. I always feed them plenty and make sure all of them eat something. None of them are getting picked on so i dont know what else could be wrong. Are they dieing of old age. Even though ive only had them 4 months.
I dont want to add any females or i will be over run with fry they are only in a 37.5 litre tank.
Oh and they are swimming around normally always looking for food :lol:. They all look normal apart from the two skinny ones.

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