guppies are bullies?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 3, 2003
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Hi I recently bought 2 sunset pandas into my tank. One of the fish stays near the bottom too timid, or sick? :/ To come out. Two of my guppies, the first two I got, appear to be bullying it :crazy: chasing it non stop. I think they are both female and i'm almost certain the sunset panda is (it's pretty large) . I'm not happy about this :-( is this normal? I think i'l have to get rid of the sunset pandas if I cant resolve this.

:fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:

VCG :fun:
Hi, Do you have enough hiding places for the fish? How long has it been in your community tank?

It could be a number of things that is bothering the fish.

It might be too hot for it, the bullying could be adding stress, not enough hiding places, etc.
if the fish is sick then the guppies will see it as a food source.

What are sunset pandas? are they a type of guppy or platies?
Yeah the guppies are chasing the sunset pandas which are a form of platy I think -_- There is a fair bit of weed and I have made a little cave in which the sunset pandas have found and are staying in. The sunset pandas dont look sick, now there both being bullied :/ I had to pop up the temperature because one of my fish has white spot (not one of the bullies or victims) but the bullying was happening before this. To me this appears to be bullying, when the fish is tired they wait next to it and when it starts moving they chase it again nudging it and stuff. Bear in mind the sunset panda is bigger that the guppies.

When I originaly got my tank I had 1 baby sunset panda. It died from a nitrite spike. But I also had another fish (cant remember the name) and it stuck by the sunset panda and chased any fish that came near it, I lost both of them to nitrite, they were both really cute.

VCG :fun:
I'l try and get a photo of them, although I have a crappy D-cam. I'l put it on, I dont know how i'l get it on, any ideas? :unsure:

VCG :fun:

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