Guppie / Platy


Fish Addict
May 20, 2006
Reaction score
Leicestershire, England
i want 1/2 more fish to complete my tank still undecided as in what to get quite fancy a guppy or a platy

can these fish live happily single or are they a grouping fish (ive noted the fact keeping more than 1 male guppy requires extra female) can platy's live alone or do they require another of thier kind.

they will be living with white cloud mountain minnows and some corydora's

thanks in advance for the help :)
they can be happy by themselves, but in order to be happy as a group, you can only keep 1 male or else you need a ratio of 1 male to 3 females so they don't fight.

This usually works although its not guarenteed that they won't fight.
they can be happy by themselves, but in order to be happy as a group, you can only keep 1 male or else you need a ratio of 1 male to 3 females so they don't fight.

This usually works although its not guarenteed that they won't fight.

Another option is to keep a group of females only. Though not a schooling fish, both guppies and platies are sociable, so I think you should keep more than one. If you keep males only, you should probably keep at least 5 to spread aggression; with females you can keep fewer.
one of each is fine, but like they said platies and guppies are scociable so maybe 2 guppies or 2 platies? (female)
ahh i think ill go for 2 of the same kind, cant really go for 2 of each otherwise ill be far to over stocked, ill look round the lfs see what takes my fancy

thanks for all the help and advice :)

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