Guppie Fry

Aug 10, 2003
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Yesterday my guppie gave birth (so exiting!) but I cant put the babies in another tank right now and i have lots of plastic plants and rocks and they are always hiding...can they survive like that or do they have to be in a breedin net or other tank?
well they can survive.....but it's easier if they're in a net cuz they could get eaten, they might not get enough food, or they could get sucked up the filter.....i dunno i keep mine in a net :D
The odds are aren't in their favor, including the ones mentioned, I find that most of mine died because of teh gravle. The go down into the gravle were the glass and teh rocks meet, and are traped, and starve to death, not to mention by other 'things' in that gravle. If you want to breed guppies and just keep them in the main tank teh whole time, use marbles for the bottom of the tank, not gravle. If you have marbles for the subtrate, they are extremely great hiding places for any fry to hide inbetween. God Luck!
I definitley agree with Ron! :nod: My molly had babies and more then half died from going into the gravel and getting trapped. Another tank would be your best bet for the babies. Though you don't have to have one. Most people reccomend a breeding net but i perfer the plastic container kind with all the dividers removed. This way the fish don't get squashed and i can see them very easily. :D

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