Guppie Broken Back?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 15, 2015
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Hi bit strange I have a female guppy and about 5 days ago I noticed it was not using its tail at all just the little fins by her head to move around she is not stable at all and looks bent. fist day I noticed it I put her into a separate tank she was eating first few days now she just stays at the top and wont move at all if I put food in over her she just ignores it. but saying that every so often she will make her way to the bottom and stay under a bridge I have in the tank.  any help would be good.
I'm not sure it's possible for fish to break their bones as their bones are fairly soft but I believe it is possible for them to have some kind of 'stroke'.
This may be a case of taking nature into your own hands and popping her off to sleep as kindly as you can. I have had one of my own fish go like this and that was what I did. It was the kindest way. I personally use clove oil as I find it's the nicest way to do it - there's no violence to it as there is with other methods.
See what the other guys think but if you need info on how to use clove oil let me know and I can talk you through it
Stroke omg dont really want to put it to sleep. If the poor little thing is suffering il do. What do u think will it get better or coukd it be anything else
Still the same its at the bottom of the tank now. But still not using its tail
well, you can either let nature take it's course or take over yourself. If you are not able to bring yourself to end it then let nature take it's course. If she's unable to swim and isn't eating then nature will do it's bit. 
If you decide to put her to sleep clove oil is kindest. Here's what to do - Arm yourself with a 500ml pop bottle and wash it out. Add to it about 25-30 drops of clove oil and fill up with tap water. Shake really well.
Get another vessel (make this something you can throw away. Clove oil stinks and it can not come into contact with your tank either) and add a little tank water and poorly fish. You can then pour in the water and clove oil mix, don't do it slowly do it quite quickly. The fish will stop breathing within about 30 seconds, sometimes faster if they are very weak. Leave fish in the mixture for an hour to make certain it's not woken up then you can dispose of fish and mixture.
As I said. Do not allow clove oil to come into contact with anything that is likely to go into your tank. Keep things seperate (I use a 2 litre bottle that I cut in half and keep it under my kitchen sink) It's also a good idea to wash your hands thoroughly afterwards  

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