Guinea Pigs


Fish Addict
Jun 25, 2009
Reaction score
Ashford, Kent, UK
Hey, I just thought I would post some pics up of me and my partners guinea pigs. I never really grew up with pets so Im always very keen now. We walked into pets at home during the week, just for a browse really, and spotted the 2 cutest guinea pigs you have ever seen, they were just big balls of fur! We went home and talked it over. My gf has had guinea pigs and rabbits when she was young and loved them all so we decided to go for it.

We went back the next day and got them. It was pefect timing as my sister inlaw had just upgraded her hutch so there was one spare. We set it up first. When we got to pets at home we was worried the two we had seen may have gone but luckily enough they were still there so we snapped them up and brought them home. Some pics.

This one is lionhead




And this is ruffy





The 2




We think they are both very young still. They are the smallest we have ever seen for sale, and taking into consideration they are all fluff :lol: they are very small. They are settling in well though and they are growing with confidence every day. I hope you enjoyed,

Vey cute! The ginger and white one reminds me a lot of our Pepper as a youngster...

(with her sister, Pumpkin)

Who then grew up to be like this...
(with younger Cocoa, now ~9 months and ~3 months respectively)

They all live inside in a section of the lounge, with a cage (bedroom) on a coffee table and an extension on floor level (with a giant tent groundsheet under them for easy cleaning). On nicer days, they "pay their way" by mowing the lawn inside their square run, saves us using a mower altogther!

Are they both boars?

If you have any piggie questions, chesterscot is the best person to ask on here :good:
Hey thanks guys. They do look very similiar actually, maybe she will grow up to look like pepper.

They are infact both sows. They are so cute. They are just starting to come to me as I come to the hutch, rather than running off :lol: bless them! :rolleyes:

Thanks for the nice comments, we are really happy with them!

Aww they are gorgeous never see fluff balls in my local pets at home. I have 20 piggies myself including 2 sows due babies in 2 weeks time :nod:

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