Guinea pig


Fish Fanatic
Jul 17, 2004
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Should i get one? From what ive heard, they seem pretty cool
Also, anyone know the name of those guinea pigs with the really long hair, those hippie ones, here's a pic
I sure dont know the name of them but they are so pretty..All I have ever heard them called was long haired Guinea Pigs..
Lol looks like Cruella De Vil from 101 Dalmations lol and its saying : BRAID MY PRETTY HAIR YOU FOOL!
i wish that my long haired piggy would've had nice and neat hair like that....but's gotta be all messy n stuff :rolleyes:

they are really good pets....i miss mine :byebye:
Longhaired guinea pigs are peruvians or coronets. Those all look like coronets except for the last photo, which looks like a peruvian. Guinea pigs make great pets and unless socialized often with humans, they do best in pairs. I have two boars.
Long haired guinea pigs are also called Shelties. depends where you live.

They need a lot of grooming, at least 2-3 times a week. My sister used to have one and he got so matted it was untrue. We had to cut the knots out.

IMO, guinea pigs make much better pets than rabbits. They make cute noises and they don't get so stressy.
yea, im trying to find a place where i can adopt a pair that have already been living with eachother, like a mother and daughter, so they can get along and they already know eachother
If you can't find a mother/daughter pair, try going for sisters or brothers (same sex) pairs, as they will get along. Don't put a male and female together unless you want lots of little babies as guinea pigs are quite easy to breed!

If you can't find a same sex sibling pair and you want boars that haven't been living together, get an older one and introduce a much younger one to him. That way they are much less likely to fight as the older one wil achieve domination over the younger one instinctively.

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