Guilty of Impluse Buy


Fish Crazy
Feb 3, 2004
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I've kept Bettas before when I was younger. Usually it was a male. Sometimes i kept him seperate sometimes i kept him in a community tank.

Well today I was at Petco looking to pick up some neon tetras (they only had two left...but they were only 99 cents) when i took a browse over at the Betta rack. Usually thyey never have anything interesting but today was different. Aside from all the typical red and blue and green bettas they had a few females. Most were plain but one caught my eye.

There was one female that was completely white, with black eyes, a clear/white anal and dorsal fin, red pec fins and a clear tail fin with the center having a red/blue splotch. I've never seen a male in person like this...let alone a female. So for $1.29, i bought her.

She looks like this female, except her pec fins have red in them and her caudal has red and blue streaks in it.

Now my sis owns a male betta, and i had him in my 37gal for a while but when the convicts started breeding obviously i had to put him back in his bowl.

I have the female floating in a betta trap in my 40gal for the time being. But i want to set up a small aquarium in my bedroom for her.

Couple questions. Is this female a certain variety due to her coloration? (crowntail, halfmoon, etc..??)

Secondly, if i set up this smaller tank, is there any possible way i can put both the male and female in the same tank? I might want to give breeding a shot but only if i can keep both fish in this tank permanently. I cannot move either to my 37gal as the cons tear up any slow moving fish in a matter of seconds. If i cannot keep both together, i will just keep the female.

Congratulations on your cambodian(?) female. :)
A heavily planted 10gallon should suffice. A sponge filter is recommended if you wish to breed your bettas. It won't cause any surface disturbance that causes bubblenests to fall apart, nor will it suck in any eggs or fry.
Patrick333 said:
i cant even find female at any of the petstores around my area
They had about 10 females here and 30 males. Most of the females i ever see are dull drab colors like maroon and such.

I'm starting to rethink the breeding thing. I already have 1 pair of fish with fry and don't need any more. Most likely i will keep this female alone.

But If i were to put the male in, how big of a tank would be necessary to keep both fish together happily? ANy tank i do gets planted heavily since I kinda like planted tanks more than fish tanks :D
Don't put them together unless you want a dead betta and babies.

The male will constantly harass the female until they mate, and if they are kept together after this point, usually the male will kill the female.
hiya, if u still want to try and have both of them living happily in just 1 tank, u cud get a tank that u can divide in2 2 halves, and just have them in the same water/tank, but they have thier own ends, that way u get the beauty of both of them, without a dead 1 and without babies that u dnt want.

Ur have to take sum pix of ur female, she sounds beatiful!!! and im sure that u willget alot of response as she is such a beauty!

Gud luck, and keep us posted on wot u end up doing!
The male will constantly harass the female until they mate, and if they are kept together after this point, usually the male will kill the female

not always so, i housed 4 females with my male and he never bothered with them

give it a try... if it dosnt work always have a spare small tank to hand :)

Get the tank divided, i keep eight in my three foot tank, they all have lots of fun flaring at each other,put a female in with one of the males and they even spawned in this main tank.............

Thanks everyone.

After thinking about it, most likely i will keep this female in a seperate tank alone. Like i said, i decided not to try breeding because i already have breeding fish and don't want fry everywhere, and also my sis does not want to give up her male.

So most likely i'll prob get one of those small betta setups.

I've been debating setting up my spare 27gal for breeding the convicts so i can remove them and make it a heavily planted community tank in which i would put the female in and try the male. But i wanted to keep my aquariiums in my house limited to just 1. I'm already breaking the rules by setting up a little betta tank. Ah, decisions decisions

I did some research online and beleive she does fit the "cambodian" description. I've seen plenty of pics online of them, but never one in person let alone in a chain pet store.

I'll try to snap a pic but my camera is not that great with close ups. She might just look like a white blur

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