Guidance On Stocking


Fish Fanatic
May 18, 2009
Reaction score
Reading, UK

I would appreciate some advice on stocking my tank. It’s an 80L planted tank with sand substrate, bogwood, java moss, java ferns, anubias, moss balls, elodea and some floating riccia. I want to set it up as a community tank.

I have listed below what appeals to me and would possibly like to home in the tank, but would value some advice on how many, compatibility etc.

I would very much like a shoal of Celestial Pearl Danios / Galaxy Rasboras, but not too sure on how many. Would a shoal of CPD’s be happy living with a small shoal of Zebra Danios or other small fish?

Could other possible tank mates include African Dwarf Frogs and shrimps maybe?

Any advice or other ideas gratefully received! :good:
cant offer any advice but interested in this thread. considering getting some CPDs as well as they are sooo amazing looking.
cant offer any advice but interested in this thread. considering getting some CPDs as well as they are sooo amazing looking.

I'm with you on that for sure, they have wonderful colouring. I was thinking about a shoal of about 9 or 10 along with a smaller shoal of some other small fish, maybe zebra danio. But as I'm new to this I would appreciate a little guidance here & there...
my zebras, glowlights and celestial pearl danios all get along fine. I added only 6 cpd's, but I'll probably add more to my planted tank fairly soon. They aren't as shy as I had read, they schoal with the glowlights and aren't bullied by the zebras, there's just too many danios around.
That sounds fine to me, get more opinions though always best to get a few opinions before diving in at the deep end.

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