Guidance For A Newbie


New Member
Jul 20, 2010
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I would like to give a betta splenden the best possible enviroment and need some help please:

  1. What would be the best tank size?
  2. What would the best tank mates be?
  3. What sort of equipment would I need?
  4. And, what sort of decoration would be best suited for this?

Sorry for all the questions but I would like to give the fish the best possible environment and I need a lot of help.

Thanks for any help :good:
Hi and welcome,
Tank size nothing less than 20litres for a betta on its own is recomended (bigger the better though)
Not sure on tank mates, depends on the size tank you end up getting
You will need a heater
Silk or real plants are good as plastic can damage a bettas fin
Its good to read about cycling you tank before getting your betta too
Hope this helps
Yes that was very helpful thank you :nod::lol:

Would there be any live plants you would recommend?
Is there a maximum size of tank? Like a tank too big for it?

Sorry again but i want as much info as possible before I buy anything :blush:
Yes, make sure your tank isn't too tall. Bettas need close access to the surface and could die if they are in a big tank and cant get to the surface quick enough. I did have a betta in a 120 ltr but thought it was too big for him :good:. An easy plant to keep that only needs low to medium light is Java fern. (keep in mind it cant be buried in the gravel/sand, but attached to wood or rock)
Plants that are good for beginners are:
Java fern, anubias and moss (my betta likes his moss ball that just sits in the tank)
All of these need tying/glueing to wood or rock (dont plant in sand or gravel)
When buying a tank, get one that will work with the space you have and thats affordable.
You could go for just a betta in a small tank (20/30 litres) or if you go for bigger, then you could look into what people keep with their betta.
Gerardo, I am going to veer a bit farther afield than most people here. I keep Betta splendens, but not in the sense of many people. My bettas must figure out how to deal with tanks full of other fish. My bettas are always kept in my single species only tanks of livebearers, yes you read that right. I am a consummate livebearer breeder who is willing to let a Betta splendens exist with a breeding colony of livebearers. Where does that leave the bettas? They have all of the freedom that they need to establish their own preferences but must be able to exist with a huge numbers of livebearers and will likely never see another betta in their lifetimes. It is not that I am opposed to other fish in any way, but rather that I support fish that I am familiar with.

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